personal traning

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Two days after the meeting with Competitor Zero, Jamie has indeed improved greatly. Anthony however, has only done maintenance on the changer V, still hesitant to re-enter the mecha battle.
''So, do you know who was the one that drove you to cancel mech battle out of your life? '' asks Zero.
''No... Not really he didn't have a name registered, not a real name at least '' Responds Anthony.
''So, what was his ... nickname? ''
'' Comet striker ... I believe''
''Hmmm... He was one of my students. That is all I can tell you at this moment. ''
''So... Am I gonna be as good as him if you teach me!?''
Surprisingly yells Jamie, both Zero and Anthony look back at her in surprise.
''Did you seriously slay all... 50 GMs already?!''
'' Yep! , I killed them all! ''
''How much damage did you take? ''
''Uhhmm... '' She looks back at her mech to see that it lost an arm, part of its leg, half it's face, and having a large hole in the abdomen.
''Not much? '' Jamie hesitantly answers.
''Not much huh? Yeah... I see that''
Earlier that day Competitor Zero arrived at the home of the Davis' . Home of Jamie and Anthony if you don't remember their last name. Jamie seems exited to see him again, though Anthony still, very skeptical and hesitant to meet Zero and be coached by him.
''Ready to start your training? ''
''Heck yeah I am!! ''
''Is your little brother coming? ''
''He is still not very confident in himself, so he won't come out of his room''
''What does he do in there? ''
''Mostly just making the 'perfect' mecha he will ever make. ''
''Hmm how long has he been up to it? ''
'' Since you came actually''
''Hmm, I wonder if that's a foreshadow for the future ''
That being said, both Jamie and zero walk to the room prepared for the mech battle simulator. ''Cool, seems like you have this all ready and good to go ''
''Shall we get started?''
''Most definitely!! ''
switching the on button on the main console, the battle system boots up,
Jamie places her mech on the platform, but soon realizes Zero doesn't have his Rising Moon mech, rather a mech familiar to a certain anime, this was no mech, it was a Gundam!, or Gunpla, the one he had was unclear, due to how far it was, but one thing was for sure, it was a straight assembly build , meaning it had no special features, paint, or stickers, wich would ultimately make the Gundam weak.
'' Is that what your fighting with? '' asked Jamie
''Don't judge a book by its cover, you know that phrase don't you? ''
''I suppose so... OK then... Jamie Davis, changer mech V let's fight!! ''
'' Competitor Zero, Gundam Barbados, let's go! ''
Both mechas fly off of their starting pads and head toward each other. When they meet, changer was first to draw her gun, firing as soon as she could, but the Barbados was able to draw it's sword and block all the incoming bullets.

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The large beam fires out of the mechs torso at Barbados' direction but it's quick reactions get it to jump away into safety. Drawing his cannon, Zero opens fire at his opponent hitting the Changer mech in the 'rib', the shoulder and the tip of the head. Falling on its back, the Changer takes out the same hilts from before
The hilts flash a blade of an axe
'' TOMAHAWK!! ''
She trows one as a distraction, it flies forward and hits the Barbados' blade first
'' Eat my blade you high classed player!! ''
''Is that an insult with a compliment? ''
'' Probably? ''
the blade of the Changer did reach the Barbados but only hitting it's shoulder ,but not doing much.
'' Hah I got ya! ''
''That won't do! ''
''What?! ''
Zero then throws the Changer to his left, along with his shoulder pad, letting her land hard on the ground.
''This is still not fair anyways! You are still a good player, better than I am, and you can just mop the floor with me! ''
'' Not exactly, I bought this Gundam just today and built it today, so I don't know it's full capabilities yet and I don't know how it can move. I haven't practiced with him yet''
''So you are saying we are on even ground?''
'' Technically... Yes... ''
Zero unleashes series of warheads at the Changer's direction, the Changer swiftly inverts and jumps out of the way avoiding the explosions. Jamie takes out her hand gun and fires upon the Barbados hitting his other shoulder pad and a face plate doing minimal damage. '' this Gundam is too slow for my liking, my fault possibly... Let's see if I can learn it's full capabilities in one battle. ''
Zero speaks to himself while dodging incoming bullets.
''I thought you can control any mech you touch!''
Jamie yells trying to annoy zero.
''I thought you were the local champion! ''
Both players begin firing everything they got at each other.
Both bot's loosing armor plating.
The Barbados' cannon has exploded with a big bang. The Changer mech charges forward with its blade but the Barbados has disappeared.
''How does he do that?! "
''Look above! ''
''Where?!?! ''
A mine detonates underneath the Changer making it fall on its knees, while her feet get buried underneath the rocks on the floor.
''Darn my feet are stuck! ''
''Eat my knuckle!! ''
''Oh dang! ''
The Barbados hits the Changer mech with its left arm directly in the dome and blows it off.
''No! My head! ''
The Changer tries to jump backwards to get away but fails to do so due to her legs being stuck.
''Oh you smart man! ''
''You've got a good design, but it has some flaws''
The Barbados tackles the Changer down and proceeds to hit her torso with his one arm.
''You think I'm gonna loose to a one armed Gundam!?''
''You think I am going to loose to a headless arrogant mech? ''
''Fair point... ''
Changer stops the fist of the Barbados.
''But I am going to win! ''
The Barbados takes a heavy punch to the face plate knocking it back a few feet. The structure of the Barbados has gotten very weak, it struggles to get back up on its feet.
''what's wrong? Your mech to weak?! ''
''nope... Just taking a breather... Come at me.''
Charger dashes forward after getting set up again, drawing her blade forward. The Barbados was quick to move, getting her blade stuck between the pistons in the stomach region, getting it stuck. Using his left arm, he punctured the Changer's upper torso ripping out the core of the mech.
''only one battery? '' Zero asks casually
''nope I got another!! '' Jamie confidently responds
''thanks for the info! ''
''oh no'' Jamie desperately tries to get away but her mech is still trapped by the hold of the Barbados. She pries out the sword cutting one of the pistons making the Barbados lean to his right.
''This ends now! '' Zero yells out loudly
'' not yet! "
Jamie pulls up the sword and stabs it into the neck of the Barbados. But at the same time the Barbados successfully crushes the core of he Changer causing a small explosion. 💥 💥 💥 💥
''not very explosive huh? '' Zero yells confused
'' yea, they're one of a kind, my brother is developing a battery with non explosive materials. Making blasts to the core safer. ''
''Smart. I'm still developing that. ''
The Barbados retreats. In total missing a right arm, part of the right shoulder, a left hand, and some armor plating. The Changer falls down. In total missing a head, a battery, and feet (or hands).
''ya ready to go man!? '' Jamie yells proudly after inverting the mech.
'' I can still go. Alright. '' Zero confidently gets back up.
Both mechs charge towards each other at a incredible speed with intense music in the background. The Barbados, with its stub of a hand, tears into the hull of the Changer while the Changer begins to compress the head of the Barbados.
''HURRICANE TURBINE!!!!'' Jamie yells out the command now summoning violent winds from the arms of the Changer onto the head of the Barbados. Slowly melting the head of the Barbados
''your WILL is strong, very strong. But I will succeed ''
''I will defeat you! ''
'' my WILL surpasses all ''
The elboe of the Barbados suddenly breaks. Leaving a fore arm into he torso of the Changer.
Releasing her grip on the Barbados' head, the Changer stumbles backwards, but still stands.
'' welp, I got no arms... Time for my armless final super attack!!!'' Zero yells seeming really confident even though he seems to be near a loss.
'' what do you have left that I can't survive? '' Jamie arrogantly responds.
The Barbados runs back, not afraid but steadily.
''what are you doing? ''
The Barbados stops and turns around, a white fire outlines his details. Almost like he is going beyond what the Barbados is capable of doing.
'' taste my WILL POWER at its finest!!!!!! ''
The Barbados suddenly charges forward in a intense speed, breaking the sound barrier, making everything around it, shatter instantly.
'' HUZZAAA!!!... SONIC WILL KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '' Zero yells atop his lungs, like the burning passion within him grew ten times greater!
Still running, or flying, the Barbados lifts it's legs into a kicking position and literally decimates the changer mech. Leaving nothing but the lower legs, and the shoulders up. Representing how far Zero's WILL can go, even on a underpowered body... Or Gundam.
''how... How did you win?! Even after you had no chance of winning without your arms or weapons ... How?! '' Jamie questions Zero's logic.
'' it's my WILL POWER... My WILL to go beyond what I can do. You also have a strong will, but it's to great to be contained so it just spill on everything, that's why you can't regain control easily, nor can you keep a situation under control. ''
'' so... What is WILL POWER? ''
'' basically everything you can, will, go beyond what you can do.''
'' wow... Your Uhh... Will must be very strong ''
''no it's WILL ,there is a difference. ''
''OK?... ''
Both Zero and Jamie step back to see the damaged mechas on the play field. Turns out the Barbados also broke his legs in the process of the finishing kick.
Zero chimes in to break the silence. ''well, the battle level damage was set to level four, so the models themselves didn't receive much damage, so ... Wanna practice with AI's while I go and speak to Anthony. OK? ''
''OK... '' Jamie responds while setting the system back up. Zero leaves the room and walks upstairs to Anthony's work room.

[art coming soon]

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