staring to build the team.

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Next morning, Anthony wakes up at his work desk. It's eight am and it's a Tuesday. He rubs his eyes trying to adjust his eyes to the light. He looks around and sees his mecha that he was working on for sometime, he looks around again, he sees two more mechas, one being a grey and yellow super robot, and a green and blue Gundam. He looks to his left and sees Margaret sleeping soundly next to him. Confused about why she is still here he tries to wake her up by poking her face.
'' hey... Wake up... '' Anthony pokers at her face.
She is still asleep. Anthony seemingly just gives up trying and gets up to get ready for school. After he finished brushing his teeth he went over to try and wake her up again.
'' hey wake up. Wake up... Wake up... Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up. '' Anthony repeatedly pokes Margaret's face. She wakes up by slapping Anthony's hand.
'' OK... I'm... I'm up...''
'' go home quickly and get ready for school you... Sleepy head. ''
'' wait... Why am I at your house? ''
'' you fell asleep at my desk, and it was really difficult to wake you up, Javier left, and this is the seventh time you did this. '' Anthony responds with a slightly angry voice.
''seven times?! " Margaret questions.
''yes seven times. ''
'' OK then. Tell me when we're those seven time. ''
'' first, when we were like five, you came over to my house, and fell asleep playing video games. Back when we didn't have the mecha battle system. Secondly, when we were seven, you fell asleep on the floor... Conveniently on top of me. Third, when we were nine, you fell asleep on top of my arm... Should I continue? ''
''no that's good... '' Margaret ducks her head down into her arms.
'' let me walk you home. Shall we leave? ''
'' s-sure... '' Margaret gets up, but falls towards Anthony because she got up too fast and suddenly got light headed.
'' you gonna fall asleep on me again? ''
'' no... Just got up to fast... ''
Both of them walk out of the work room and headed towards the door. Anthony stops to unlock the door. It has a total of five locks... For some reason... Margaret looks back to see Jamie stumble down the stairs. She looks very tired. Luckily being a unemployed twenty three year old, she can stay up and wake up late. It's a bad habit. At least she is still responsible enough to take care of Anthony. That's a good thing, besides being a good mecha battle player. Anthony finishes unlocking the millions of locks, even though it was only five.
''OK let's go, oh Shisuta! I'm gonna walk Margaret home real quick, see you in abit.''
'' OK, don't get killed! ''
'' ha... Ha... Ha... Very funny... Let's go ''
'' that's referencing the time you almost got ran over right? ''
''shut up. He was drunk... I think. ''
Both of them simply walk out and head to Margaret's home. On the way, they see Zero walking down the street with a cup of ramen noodles. He notices them and nods, he continues walking.
'' he must love them ramen noodles huh? '' Margaret asks.
'' it's almost like he lives off of ramen noodles. ''
'' I wonder how his physical health is when eating that many noodles in a day. ''
'' poor probably... ''
They continue walking to Margaret's home. When they arrive, Margaret gets inside and swiftly changes clothes to a school uniform. When she walks out, she finds Anthony sitting at the fence like a lonely sloth... Or something like that.
''so we're your parents worried that you didn't come home? ''
'' they weren't even awake... ''
'' my what caring parents you have... We might as well Run! It's eight thirty and school starts at nine o'five! ''
'' OK, let's see if we can get there in time to have breakfast. "
'' gotta go fast!! ''
Both of them dash down the street at a fast pace. Stopping occasionally to catch a breath, eventually they make it with twenty minutes to spare.
'' we made it! '' Margaret weezes
'' why didn't we take the bus? '' Anthony asks.
'' it's smelly, and crowded! '' Margaret answers while looking away.
When they arrive at the front door of the school, along with many other familiar and unfamiliar faces to Anthony and Margaret, they see a poster on the front window that catches their eye. It's a notice for all mecha battle competitors that the regional qualifiers are taking place, and they can enter and compete for the school as their representatives. The team who wins the school's qualifiers will enter the tournament. Register now to enter. And then it has some boxes at the bottom with names, Anthony writes his name under a team of four.
'' team of four? There is only two of us! '' Margaret questions Anthony's action.
'' trust me, we will be a team of four. ''
'' who are the other two? ''
'' wait and see ''
They both walk inside the building and go on with their day. That is, until the end of the day, all of the people who signed up for the tournament were told to go to the gym and confirm their registration. The next week on the same day, all who registered brought their robots. Their were many, about seventy individual robots, all colorfully and dull, complex and simple, big and small, tall or short, copy-writen or not copy-writen, they came in all sizes and types. Anthony and Margaret came in along with some others to see where to wait for the next match.
'' so... Where are the other three? '' Margaret asks Anthony to see where they are.
'' I dunno, I'll call them real quick '' Anthony says as Jamie and Javier burst through the gym doors, while Jamie trying to avoid the crowd of fans.
'' wow... She actually has fans! '' Margaret comments on he situation.
'' apparently so... '' Anthony responds.
'' huh? Oh Ani!! ''
'' shisuta!! '' Anthony waves his hands to his sister as Jamie waves back. Jamie and Javier run over to Anthony and Margaret. They exchanged handshakes and highfives and brofists and... I can't think of anything else.
'' how's ya been? '' Javier high fives Anthony and Margaret.
'' good, ready for the tryouts? '' Anthony responds while looking at Margaret.
'' wait, he's one of the other teammates?! ''
'' yep!, and so is Jamie! ''
'' ani is right! He asked me if I wanted to joint he team, and I said 'heck yeah I wanna join ' ''
'' OK cool, but, does Javier know how to play mecha battle? ''
'' he's been practicing with me and Jamie '' Zero seemingly out of nowhere pops up and spooks them by his sudden appearance and answer.
'' JESUS DON'T DO THAT!!!! '' Margaret yells in shock, Anthony only sinks inside his shirt while shivering.
'' sorry ma' bad... It's a natural thing that occurs. '' Zero apologizes while rubbing the back of his head.
'' so who's the fourth player? '' Margaret asks still wanting to know.
'' you'll find out soon enough. '' Jamie answers the question while eyebrowing Zero. Zero just continues standing tall and proud.
'' ohhhhhh... Cool! Lets get going and fly to victory! '' Margaret seemingly takes the role of team leader.
'' we need a team name... Any ideas? ''
'' how about.... Team iron clad. Because I have a feeling that we are going to be going the be unbroken, in whatever we do in this tournament. Especially when we all have a strong WILL '' Zero stands above the rest. With a bold voice he seems to inspire his allies.
'' yea... I'm staying out of this. '' Anthony casually walks away, '' though I will help you guys repair your robots. ''
'' all by yourself? ''
'' sure... ''
'' my oh my. What struggles you will soon encounter. '' Zero says as he walks away. Anthony gestures Javier to follow him, both of them leave the gym.
'' hello and welcome to oak wood High School's fifth team qualifiers, may the spectators take a seat at the rear bleachers while the waiting competitors can take a seat at the front bleachers. '' the gym's speaker booms out a voice. All the visitors and competitors take their places on the bleachers and all that is heard is chatter in the audience. Jamie and Margaret look at each other concerned about Anthony and Javier's absence, Zero remains standing next to Margaret and Jamie because... he's Zero.
'' where's Anthony? And Javier... Hope they make it in time... " Margaret asks while taping her foot repetitively.
'' maybe they're in the bathroom while they left?'' Jamie says while looking around at the gym doors hoping to see them walk or run in. Nothing .
Not until the brackets were called, did Anthony and Javier run into the building.
'' ok were here! what did we miss?! '' Anthony calls out
'' turns out we you're going to battle on the third match.'' Zero responds.
'' OK good, I had to make some last minute modifications to the machines, I brought Javier to help me take them over here. '' Anthony comments while waving his hands as in using sign language.
'' shhh, quiet down. The first match is starting! '' Margaret sits down while trying to shush her allies.
'' who is fighting? '' Javier asks.
'' it's... Dominique Rohdy... He seems to have a GM, aquatic type, he is accompanied by two other GMs and a gouf. A team of four. Wonder if they will get passed Samuel Sandoval, with his Gundam 00, and his three other zeta Gundam clones. Neither of them are polished or improved. I wanna see how this ends. '' Anthony kicks into his mecha and Gundam nerd instincts while keeping a very serious voice.
'' OK? I almost understood none of that. '' Javier sits down while looking at Anthony nervously.
'' in other words, their is a four vs four with one team having strong machines and one team having standard machines. '' Jamie responds while taking a seat behind Margaret.
The crowd cheers as the machines on both teams charge forward at each other. Some of the machines fire beams at each other while other machines engage in sword to sword combat. Two of the GMs go down with a great explosion. While only one of the zeta Gundams take minor damage.
The crowd cheers for the winners and watch as the next two teams come up to battle. The two teams go head to head battling each other until one team falls. It is now their turn, it is now team Iron Clad to step up and battle for their victory.
''you sure about that? You can't guarantee their win '' Zero speaks to the fourth wall.
[shut up I'm the narrator] and that is the narrator (me). Let's just go now.
'' OK guys were up! And I know we can do this! Especially with Zero on our team! So team Iron Clad! Let's fight our way to victory! '' Margaret calls out doing her best to sound like the official team captain. Jamie, Margaret, and Javier jump out of their seats and take their respective machines from Anthony's box. They all swiftly walk to the large table which is where the battles are played. Jamie turns around to look at Zero to see if he is coming, but he still stands in the same spot he did before they left.
'' aren't you gonna join in? '' Jamie asks while suddenly stopping.
'' your little brother told me not to join. Besides, this battle should be very easy for you and your friends. ''
'' well OK! '' Jamie turns back around and runs over to her allies and places her mech down on the launch pad.
'' Jamie Davis... Changer mech V... ''
'' Margaret Juarez... Battery Gundam... ''
'' Javier Nichols... Uhh... Oh!... plures stratis...''
'' team Iron Clad! -''
'' - FIGHT ON! '' all the members of the team yell out as their mechs take off and fly towards the battle field.

[images coming soon]

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