The 76th Hunger Games|Chapter Three

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Windle stared at the crowd, expressionless, while he pulled the white slip of paper from the bowl. I noticed that all of the girls around me were crossing their fingers. If they wanted to go or not, I wasn't sure. Some of the kids here, only a handful, practically devoted their lives to the Hunger Games. But, we didn't often win..

"Alaina Smith." He said scanning the crowd.

I stood there, jaw hanging open. Everyone turned around to look at me. I felt a shove from behind me and I fell forward. I stumbled and eventually developed a walking stride. I somehow managed to make up the stairs and I froze in place. Windle looked at Daniel and I.

"Congratulations," He said. "And may the odds," he sighed and brought his hand up to his temples. "May the odds be ever in your favor." He turned around to the crowd and clapped quietly.

"Happy Hunger Games."

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