The 76th Hunger Games|Chapter Five

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My mouth was practically a waterfall. I could smell every gravy, fruit, soup, meat; everything.

I sat down and looked at everyone. Daniel was smiling too and was swallowing his saliva every 5 seconds. Windle was arranging the cloth he had put down under his chin. He noticed me and looked down at his plate.

I saw the victor --my trainer-- for the first time since I got on the train.

Johanna Mason.

I've never met her in person. She's usually hidden up in the Victor's Village with the few others. She wasn't as excited as Daniel and I, probably because she was used to this kind of food. To be honest, she looked blank. Although, it was kind of obvious why.

In the 75th Hunger Games, they set off an electric charge across the field. Well, when that happened, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark were supposed to reach a certain point at a certain time. Well, since they didn't reach that certain point at that certain time, they were electrocuted and killed. I imagine that day wasn't Johanna's favorite.

After dinner, I got the chance to have some time to myself. I went into the personal little library that the had. Mostly, I read about plants in case that would come in handy during the Games. After about an hour of that, I got bored and just decided to go to sleep. The sheets were heavenly and I was angry at myself for not going to sleep earlier.

Then, an alarm rang out through the whole train.

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