Chapter 2 (Seconds later)

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"What was that??" questioned mum. "IT MIGHT BE BON!!! QUICK" dad shouted. They both ran into the kitchen to find that their son, Bon had been crushed under the weight of the fridge. "BON!!!!!" and mum tried to lift the fridge up. Lindsay ran in because of all the noise that had been going on "what is going on here-AAAAHHHH BBBOOOOONNNNN!!!!" she shouted. "EVERYONE!!! Calm down!!!" dad said. Bonnie put his dairy down and rushed downstairs to the kitchen. "What the???" Bonnie questioned. "Bonnie, please go upstairs again...i'm sorry but it isn't the time now..." Bonnie walked back up to his room to write in the diary again.

Mum phones the Ambulance to take poor Bon to the hospital. "hello this is 911/999 whats your emergency???" said the Service director. "Hi I need an ambulance because my son, Bon has been crushed by a fridge-" and mum bursts into tears. "Dont worry ma'am...stay on the phone please until the Ambulance has arrived" "o-ok...thank you SO much!!!" mum thanked.

The Ambulance arrives 10 mins later...

"Hi we are here to take Bon to the hospital!" said 1 Paramedic. "Follow me to the Ambulance please..." he said. The Paramedic placed Bon on the hospital bed in the Ambulance and began drivw off while mum was with her son. When they arrived at the hospital Bon was rushed to The Operating Theatre immediatly.

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