Chapter 9 (The Big plan)

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A few days after hard work by bonnie, it was almost time to plan the killing streak... Bonnie got the massive planning paper and began to draw multiple ways to kill his family, he got his knife ready and thought of how many days it should be until he kills the messed up family... One day... Bonnie laughed and he cut his arm a little bit... "i like it when the red water comes out my arm..." He laughs again...

The parents hear all of the plan and feel sad about their life but most for both of their sons... What would happen to Bon and Bonnie?!?!?!?!?!

Mum goes to the hospital to see that her son is worse than ever!!! His face is all messed up, he keeps hallucinating all the time and Bonnie doesnt help by saying that he wants himself dead and his family dead....

The Next day...

The last day of their lives....

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