Part 2

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Tessa's POV

Bio class was strange, I wanted so bad to have just one more glance at Isaac.
Now I had sport class, with Kendall.
I left for the gym and Kyle caught up.
"Hey Tess" he said I stopped and turned around then we walked together
"What'dya think?" I asked
"Uh... of what?" He asked
"Of the new kid" I said obviously
"Oh yeah... he kinda looks like he belongs in twilight, ya know, with the constipated look on his face and him tensing hardcore 24/7" he mocked
I playfully hit his shoulder in a chuckle
I didn't bother mention Celia, I knew Kyle wouldn't be interested, mostly because it's already the talk of the school but also because Kyle isn't really the kind of guy who is interested in hearing about the latest gossip and the depressing stuff.
"Have fun in sport" he waved off.
I entered the changing room and began opening my small locker.
I pulled out some slightly dirty shorts and my sports bra and singlet.
Once I'd finished changing I met Kendall and her friends in the main gym.
"What's up for today?" I asked
"Sprints" she sighed grumpily
I moaned at the thought of coach screaming at us on the field while she sat eating her lunch laughing at us failing.
"Ugh" I groaned
"Yeah I know right" she agreed
We all exited out side to the main field where coach ordered us into a straight line, she blew her whistle and we where off.
We where told to run for at least 15 minutes non stop.
The field was large, it sat at the edge of the highschool, next to the Findlay nature reserve. Just a few miles down was the blue mountain river, the same river that carried poor Celia Browns cold limp body.
I shuddered at the thought but continued to run, as if it fuelled me.
Students around me began to disappear, some in front but most behind.
I hated running, I hated it so much, despite the fact that everyone told me it was a talent, I still hated it.
As I passed the edge of the field next to the reserve, I stared into the dark emptiness of the trees, imagining Celia standing at the edge, arms out, screaming for help as that horrid evil man dragged her down into the darkness. She was all alone that night. No one could hear her scream for help, no one was even awake, no one knew she was gone. We where all sleeping quietly as he threw her lifeless body into the harsh river.
I tensed at the thought and my ankles rolled as I lost balance. I tumbled onto the ground, rolling as students dodged me. Immediate pain raced to my right leg. I held my hand to my face hiding the pain in my eyes.
I slowly pushed myself up grunting in pain.
"Need a hand?" Asked a voice, must be one of the kids who struggled at the back of the race.
I took the hand, still with the other over my face, trying to act tough.
"Took a bit of a stumble there" he said as I struggled to stand
"Y-yeah I just..." I rubbed my head looking around. The whole team had stopped as was starring at me, even coach looked worried. I turned back at the helper and saw who it really was.
He green emerald eyes held mine in that moment, as if waiting for some kind of answer. He dark hair fell over his face like he'd run a mile.
"I Uh...sorry " I apologised blinking
" Kid! Hey that girl to the side line, did I tell anyone to stop?!" Coach screamed and the other kids took off running again, complaining out loud.
He took my arm around his shoulders and helped me across the field.
I turned back at the trees remembering Celia's pale scared face.
"Hey you okay?" He asked catching my attention
I snapped back at him "oh uh yeah" I nodded
"Tools like you hurt yourself pretty bad" I gestured to my ankle
"I've always had lousy ankles" I sighed as I sat down on the bench
"Lemme have a look" he ordered and took my leg. He moved it around asking question.
I didn't question it I just went along with it, watching him curiously.
Who is this guy?
"My names Isaac Burns, I think I'm in your biology class" he smiled
"Yeah, Uh I'm Tessa Finnmore, I think you are" I gave a warm smile
"Well I think your ankle is fine, just twisted it" he reassured, sitting up next to me.
We sat there for a few seconds watching the team run when coach screamed out.
"Hey new kid! Get your ass on the field now!" He wailed
He gave me a knowing look before it taking off "see ya around Tessa Finnmore" he smirked.

Sorry for the short chapter. Hope you like it so far. 👍🏻

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