Part 3

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Tessa's POV

Art class was the last lesson of the day, I was exhausted from running and falling over that the rest of the day went past like a blur, or a dream.
I walked into the room holding my camera and art folder.
I took my seat by the window and pulled my things out.
The teacher didn't mind what we did, as long as we did something. She'd given us all an assignment due in a weeks time. She said we had to present a piece of art that shows emotion and story.
I went through my full camera card, looking at the strange photos.
I wasn't sure what I was going to do for the assignment. Then Kendall walked in smiling as she sat next to me.
"Hey have you seen the totally hot new guy?" She giggled
"Yeah he's in a couple of my classes" I answered
"Oh come on Tessa he's in more than couple of your classes, I saw you and him during sport class, I heard from Kyle the way he mysteriously watched you in biology class" she smirked.
He was watching me! I knew I shouldn't have turned around, honestly, I'm glad I didn't.
"Really?" I felt my cheeks burning up when suddenly he entered the room.
"Okay whatever maybe he's in all of my classes, so what" I smiled at Kendall, who just rolled her eyes.
He glanced at me, sending a small friendly smile my way.
Well have you seen his sister?" She asked
I turned to her "sister?" I asked confused
"Yeah he has a sister called Ivy, she's just as strange as him" Kendall frowned.
Kendall has always been known as the life of the party, she befriends everyone, and everyone is her friend. But she doesn't seem to enthusiastic of Ivy.
"She's so sour" Kendall looked disgusted and offended.
"I'm sure she'll warm up to you, she probably just a bit shy" I said
"Nope not even a bit. She's such a flirt, she's good at everything and she's even made friend with Lucy and Anne" she explained.
Lucy and Anne where me and Kendall's other friends.
"I'm surprised... I haven't seen or heard of her" I frowned
"Lucky" she sighed, obviously bothered.
During the class I got up to leave for the bathroom, as I walked down the hall I met Kyle at the drinking fountain.
"Hey" I said to him. He raised his eyebrows with a Lutheran full of water.
"Hey" he gulped down the water and walked towards me
"You alright after that fall? I heard from Kendall you took a bit of bruising" he asked concerned.
"Oh yeah I, fine don't worry about it, Kendall likes to over exaggerate" I smiled
"Well if you need anything just give me a call" she smiled then we walked off in seperate ways.
As I entered through the class room Isaac came my way. He walked over to my desk as I sat down and leaned in toward me. I could a,most feel his breath on my neck. Tingles ran down my spine.
"Where's the teacher?" He asked. I looked up and met his eyes, I felt as if time had frozen, I had the urge to draw his lips into mine.
I blinked and snapped out of the trance.
"I Uh.. she's probably in her office" I pointed to the door in the corner.
"Thanks" he said not looking away, then left for the door.
What was I thinking? I don't even know this kid! I've never been this lustful, boys where always something I looked for but never like this. This was a different feeling, a burning desire from the inside, I longing for his body.
I blinked some more and heard the bell ring. I got up and left the room quickly, avoiding Isaac anymore. I bolted for my locker and threw my things inside. And as I turned for the main exit I made my way across the courtyard and down towards the Main Street.
I tried avoiding his face, his eyes. The smell off line woods and morning dew.
As I hurried towards my house I ran through the mean door and left my bag on the counter. I sat on the chair and thought for a while.
What is wrong with me? Was the main thought.
"Hey hun" my mum called out from the laundry
"Mum? Aren't you suppose to be at work?" I asked
"Lovely to see you too" she replied
"Sorry, schools was good by the way, don't bother asking" I answered before she could ask.
"Well my boss called said I could have the day off, I told her about the house and everything so she gave me a free day off" she went on. I slowly lost interest in the conversation, thinking more about Isaac and his beautiful green eyes. I could get lost in them forever like wondering into a forest, and loosing my sense of direction.
There's one thing I knew for sure and that was that I had to know more about Isaac Burns.

Dirty desiresTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon