Part 21

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I was still, frozen with shock. I can't believe it! I thought it would work. When suddenly, the heavy footsteps began to slowly return towards our cell. My heart began to thump in my chest and I scurried over back to the cell opening.
He was there, walking over to me, his eyes fixated on me. Suddenly I began to lose my confidence, that stare, those eyes, I remembered everything. How seductive he was, how much of a liar he was. I felt so small as he approached.

As he stood right in front of me, he seemed to cock his head to the side as he watched me shrink in doubt. He crouched down to meet my tired eyes, his hands wrapped around the bars. He sat there for a long moment, breathing in unison. His posture was calming and gentle, but his cold eyes spoke to me, telling me how much he'd hurt me if I tried to escape.
And then, something in him changed, like something shifted. His eyes widened up and he shoulders fell back. He jaw loosened and he spoke. "Are you okay?" He asked almost in a whisper. I wanted to scream, to fight and hit him. How can he ask me that! He's the one who got me here in the first place! Instead I narrowed my eyes, and soured my expression. Oh, he must have thought oh that's right, your prisoner in a cell, of course you're not okay.

But I moved closer, resting my hand upon his, I didn't know what I was doing. He sighed, he seemed to be relaxing. "I didn't want it to be you" he said, lowering his head with shame. The urge to slap him was growing, my anger within was turning into a wildfire. Instead I closed my eyes, fighting the urge. "Then why?" I asked innocently. He looked up at me with his eyes, his head still hung. For a moment he looked angry, like he was mad I didn't understand. "Because you were so easily controlled" he said, the words stung. He made me feel stupid, like I shouldn't care about him. 'You're so heartless!' I wanted to yell, but little did he know, I was controlling him right now. Giving him a taste of his own poison. I just hoped he wasn't smart enough to realise. "It's not to late" I whispered, hoping I wasn't going to far with this to soon. He didn't react, like he had heard it a million times, he didn't even blink. "I don't think you're a bad person" I said, the words tasted wrong in my mouth, bitter and cold. He didn't even like what he heard.

He frowned a bit, like he knew the description didn't fit him. I knew he saw himself as a monster, if he didn't then we wouldn't be here right now. "You're the last person I expected to hear that from" he scoffed, looking at me with the slightest smile in his lips. If You didn't look for it, you wouldn't see it. But it was there.

I slipped my hand away slowly, drawing back into the shadows but he quickly snatched my fingers, pulling them back to him. "Why don't you hate me?" He hissed, my eyes widened at his sudden jump. His face was stern and grey, like he was angry... at himself. "Why don't you want to kill me? To spit in my face? Just do it!" He snapped, gripping my hand as he slowly pulled me closer. I winced at the grip on my arm and tried to pull away. "I deserve you're anger, come on!" He almost yelled. I was scared now, I'd never seen him like this. What had I unleashed. Quickly, with one swift motion I grabbed my hand away, clutching it gently watching in horror as the burn marks came through. I looked up at him, horrified of what I saw. He saw it too, the monster in him, he cowered a bit. Him face had changed again like he'd eaten something rotten and he quickly stood up to leave. I didn't want to but I crawled over to the bars and watched him. He'd stopped in the middle of the hallway, looking straight ahead. He knew I was watching him.

"I know something that will make you hate me more" he said bitterly through his teeth. His shoulders weren't tense and he stood with hesitation. Apart of me wanted to know, I wanted to hear it and I didn't mind hating him. But that wouldn't help anyone. Hate has never brought good. I had to fight this without hatred. "I don't want to" I said softly, just enough for him to hear. He paused, contemplating whether it was worth telling me. What did he care, if he wanted me to hate him, he could have just said it...
what else was he holding back?

Sorry for not posting much, I'm been insanity busy but I glad that some of you still care! Would you rather me post a little bit at a time or a lot all at once?

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