Chapter 13

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Lizzy's POV

I was the first to awake as I laid upwards and looked around at all the boys. Feeling a sharp pain in my head, while reliving the memories of last night. They all slept like a baby and we still out cold. I slowly released myself from Jack's grip and quickly headed upstairs, thankfully Jack's parent's were at work at this time so I didn't need to worry about being confronted by them.

I entered the bathroom and I threw my hair into a loose bun and washed my face. I then headed up to Jack's room and threw on another one of his red Neberaska  Huskie swearshirts, while I kept my comfortable shorts on. 

I checked the clock to see it struck 8 am, wow for getting fucked up last night I was in pretty good shape right now. I headed back downstairs to make them all some breakfast as I spotted Shawn getting a glass of water from the fridge. He was shirtless and in basketball shorts, showing off his toned tan back. He turned as I began to walk towards him, and with a smile and gave him a big hug.

"How are you feeling?" I said as I looked up at him not breaking the hug. "Not as bad as I thought I'd feel, you?" "I'm fine myself feeling quite normal." I released him as I went to the fridge and grabbed the orange juice out filling up a glass. "Are the others still asleep?" "Yet out cold. Come sit with me on the patio and lets talk about yesterday." I smiled and followed him outside with my orange juice.

We both sat down on the comfortable couch but on opposite sides as we took in the warm breeze. "I can't believe Zedd played there last night, they were definatily the best part of it." I said taking a drink of my juice. "They really were but some of the new artist were really interesting too." I nodded as I sighed maybe a bit too loud. "Sam was being an asshole the whole night." I looked at Shawn as his jaw clenched after saying that. "What did he do now?" 

"Well you know how me and you always end up making out or something?" "It wouldn't be a party if we didn't do that." I said with a smirk as I received a small laugh from Shawn. "Well he got pissed that we were and we almost got into a fight, but then that situation happened and we lefted." I shook my head in disappointment from Sam, "I don't understand why he think's me and him are still a thing. He decided to cheat on me, he made things end and proved he was just as Jack told me. He has no right to get defensive of me now."

I looked out to the yard as I examined it, "I agree, but what about you and Jack? Looked like you two were getting a bit friendly at the beginning." I turned back to Shawn, "I personally don't know but he's just like Sam he uses girls, leads them on, doesn't want a relationship, he's just not boyfriend material. He even told me that, but I do care for him even if he's a dick."

I looked down at my hands as I felt Shawn's gaze on me, "So are you gonna fight for him?" "We aren't anything so what's there to fight for?" "If you really like him then there is always something to fight for." I took a deep breath as I stood and sat next to Shawn. "I don't know how I feel for him there's something there for him but I'm not sure what it is." Shawn threw his arm over my shoulder and pulled me in closer to him.

"I'm not even sure he's the guy I really like.." I trailed off. "Well then who is this special boy you're crushing on?" I bit my lip not sure what to say. "I'm not gonna say unless I really know if I like the person okay?" I looked up at Shawn as he gave me a small smile. "I respect that." I smiled as he placed a light kiss on my forehead.

We both got up heading back to the kitchen to see both Jack's walking in, I grabbed the pan and ingredients to make omelettes. "Good morning sleepy heads!" They both groaned as they sat down at the counter, "Looks like you two don't feel as good as me and Liz." I laughed as I continued to make breakfast. "Yeah, I'm feeling pretty shitty right now." Jack said as he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

I finished making breakfast as I handed them all one, eating one myself. What should we do today?" Jack J said inbetween bits."How about we just relax and go for a dip in my pool? The parents won't be home for a while so we have the house to ourselves?" I suggested as everyone nodded in agreement. "Okay sounds like a plan, meet at my house in an hour and tell the others to come too." 

We all said our goodbyes and me and Shawn headed back to mine to shower and get ready. I wonder if Shawn has any idea about how I feel towards him right now, half of me wants him too and another half doesn't. 


Hellooo:) I'm back with a little update but hopefully you guys enjoy it! I'll be updating more now since schools over! - liz

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