Chapter 21

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Lizzy's POV

Sam looks at Katie with a suspicious look on his face then at me. I turn to Jack and give him a confused yet non surprised look.

A smirk is plastered on his face as he winks at me and turns back towards Katie, "Aren't you gonna tell them? Or shall I?"

Katie opens her mouth to say something but closes it again avoiding eye contact with Sam.

Jack's smile grows as he begins to walk towards Katie, "Alright then. So when Liz and Sam were quote on quote searching for us, Katie and I found each other at main after the party. Me almost killing someone and her being her sweet innocent drunk self just stumbling around. So we went back to my place and we had decently good sex," Jack smirked at Sam with a chuckle then looked to me.

"It was an alright one night stand but it's a night I'll definitely forget, nothing special."

I looked back from Jack to Katie to Sam and as I look at Sam he looks surprised like Katie would never do anything to risk losing him. Jack walked towards me as he put his hand on my back. I began walking with him not understanding that I was. The yelling in the background was silenced by my mind racing. Shock had over came me as I now realized I was in Jack's house sitting on his bed.

"So how's dealing with the two lover boys?" he says calmly.

I scowl at him with annoyance, "what the hell do you mean Jack."

"Your best friend Shawn? Don't tell me you don't see how in love he is with you. It's quite obvious." he smirks.

"He is not, we are friends and only friends so knock it off Jack." my pain and patient level continues to raise.

"Maybe you should tell him that. He wants to get into your pants, bad."

I scowl at him, why does he always think he's right I've known Shawn my whole life I think I'd know him better than Jack.

I walk out of his house as fast as I can and back into mine. Katie is bawling on the ground as Sam is clenching his fist and screaming at her while Shawn is no where to be seen. I call JJ to come get Katie away from Sam for a while, I take Sam by the hand forcefully and lead him into the sun room.

"Sam you need to calm down and think about what you're gonna do now. What's done is done."

"What the fuck do you mean Liz she actually fucking cheated on me and fucking slept with Jack out of all the pricks in the school, him! I thought she was into me that she wouldn't do this shit!" He stands and punches the wall, I roll my eyes knowing he'd do that.

I stand but stay still a bit scared to get in the cross fire with himself. "Sam, I'm here for you, you can-"

"I can what? Talk to you? Be friends with you? Don't you fucking get that I don't want to be? I love you i want to be with you not be your friend!"

I'm taken back as my realization of his saying he loved me. He walks towards me slowly as he takes me small hand into his now bloodied up one from hitting the wall.

"I'm the last thing you need in your life but I know you feel something mutual towards me, there's no denying that."

I'm speak less, no ones ever told me they loved me before. I never thought I could be special to someone enough for them to love me. I meet eye contact with Sam as he begins to lean into me, I hesitate and push him away gently.

"I'm sorry but we can't there's too much going on now. I need to be alone and figure things out for myself, I can't give anymore mixed signals," I said softly, Sam looked away.

"I understand and when your ready to talk about things you know where i'll be." He lightly kisses my cheek as he walked away.

What the hell is going on? So much drama is occurring and it's all in some sense revolving around me. I hear the door out as the last person I want to see approaches.

"What's going on? I heard all the yelling." Shawn says walking towards me.

I can't bring myself to look up at him, "Are you in love with me?"

I look up as his expression is filled with shock, "Yeah, I am but don't you feel the same way? You always send me the signs so I just assumed."

"No Shawn I'm not in love with you, your my best friend, more of a brother. How could I ever think of you more than that? I mean yeah I'm a flirt and I kiss you sometimes but i don't know I never thought anything of it,"

His expression grows sad for a second then to anger, "You know what Lizzy. You use people. When you're feeling down and lonely, you find someone to satisfy yourself and then throw them to the curb. You have used me when we were drunk messing around, which i was completely fine with, but thought it meant more to you like it did to me! I thought I meant more to you but you just keep using me like you did to Sam and Jack. You need some help Liz."

He's almost out of breath as he turns away with a huff. I'm speak less, no words can fathom what just happened. But he's right. I keep playing all of them, i don't know if it's because I'm lonely or because I want them all in different ways.

Jack's got this bad boy yet a soft spot for me that I love, while Sam lives in the moment and has fun with whatever he does plus he always makes me laugh and not wanting to kill him like Jack does. They are so similar yet so different.

I need to go to bed. I can't keep this annoyance and headache of drama keep going. I need a break.

I carefully make me way to my bed after turning the security on. I lay in pain mentally and more physically in bed as I want my parents home. I want to go away from all this. I want college here. I just want things to be better...

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