Chapter 19

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Lizzy's POV

Smack. A loud blow to my right temple cried out, the pain made my ear ring. "Fuck you bitch, I'll make sure your so sore that you won't be able to walk tomorrow!" the blond cried with pleasure. I was in pain I knew it but I couldn't feel it. I couldn't scream or yell my mouth became even drier as I'd try. This was happening and I couldn't do anything about it.

I shot up in bed as I gasped for air, sweat ran down my forehead as I began to cry, hard. I couldn't stop what was this dream I was dreaming about? Was this what had happened the previous day? If so I'm glad I hadn't been conscious enough to remember it.

"Liz are you okay what the matter?!" Jack was at my side as he pulled me into him. I laid my head onto his chest and cried, cried harder than I ever had. Why had this happened to me? I'm a good girl I eat my vegetables and listen to my parents. I began to calm as I felt Jack begin to slowly rub my back as he held me tightly to his chest. He laid a soft kiss upon my forehead.

"What did you dream about Lizzy?" "I think I know what the blond did to me yesterday...." I whispered as I was half scared to say it aloud. "You can tell me in the morning but right now you need to rest so you don't get sick." he laid me down as he held me close to him, I nuzzled onto his bare chest as I felt safe.

He began to stroke my hair as he held me and hummed. I began to drift, "Jack....why are you being so nice to me?" his humming stopped as he paused for a second. "Lizzy I'm always nice to you, I'm just being a tease around you. you know that babe." "Why haven't you shared your feelings with me?" I didn't know what I was saying my filter was gone, it'd never ask these questions unless I was leaving him for good, my confidence is high.

"I don't do that, it's not my thing. You know that Lizzy." My eyes became heavy as my voice softened. "I wish I could change it..." I fell into a blissful rest unable to hear Jack's response.

I feel light, like i'm floating on clouds. I look around as I'm at the party the previous day, everyone is enjoying themselves as they dance. I spot Sam and Jack as they both are eyeing me to come to them. But which should I choose? Sam and Katie are together but we have this weird irresistible chemistry telling me to not stay away. But with Jack its the other way around, all my emotions are telling me to stay away from him and not get involved with him.

Its confusing which should I choose? I feel hands wrap around my waist as I'm being dragged away from them both. They soon become a blur as I'm in a dark space, with sounds unknown and unfriendly faces. Smack. I'm hit, my cheek raises with bright shade of pink. I look to see who did it but know one was in sight I was alone now in a house I'd never seen before.

I stood examining it as I saw a blond boy walking towards me, that's him. The man who did violated me, my eyes grew as I turned to run but was stuck in place. He now was in front of me as I looked into his eyes, he was sober and in his eyes grew a hunger. I didn't want to be the one he fed on. I tried to squirm away but it was no use. He had me for whatever he wanted and I couldn't do anything about it.

Maybe that's how being drunk feels? You're fully aware whats happening yet you don't and you don't have any choice over your judgment due to the poison in your body. He smirked at me as if in slow motion he raised his right arm back and smack, colliding with my jaw.

I sprung awake as I was in a cold sweat, reliving the past over and over again. I turned to my left to find no one there, I steadied my breath and began to get up to find Jack. I stood as a sharp pain ran through my body and I collapsed. I heard running as I propped myself up on my elbows to see Jack now in the doorway.

He ran to me picking me up by the waist and steadying me. "Liz, did he really do this much damage?" I nodded unable to speak from the pains rushing up my legs. Jack's jaw clenched as he was unpleased. He carefully picked me up bridal style and carried me downstairs.

I was on the patio couch now as I sipped my coffee and watched the birds. Everyone was inside talking, obviously about the incident that happened yesterday. I didn't wanna hear it though I'd had enough from the nightmares to the daydreams about it. I checked my phone as it was blowing up like always. Ever since we found out Shawn was Vine famous and posted some vines with him my phone never got the end of it. I checked twitter and did my daily scroll threw.

The patio door opened as everyone piled into the room and sat. Sam sat by me as Shawn sat on the other side of me, I leaned into Shawn resting my head onto his shoulder. He pulled me into him as he held me by my arm, I felt safe. I smiled as I closed my eyes and listened to everyone chat. I felt Shawn kiss my forehead as a smile formed on my face.

Maybe I should just have a couple relaxing days with my best friend. I snuggle closer into his chest as he wraps his arm around my waist, I loved how me and him were so close we acted like a couple yet we were best friends.

I lightly tapped Shawn's chest as I slowly looked up at him with bags forming under my eyes. "Can we go lay down and watch a movie together I'm not feeling like doing anything right now." He smiled, "Of course. Hey guys we're gonna go back to Liz's house. She's tired and needs her rest right now." Everyone nodded and said their goodbyes as Shawn picked me up bridal style. I turned and made eye contact with Jack a hint of sorrow fell on his face, why was he sad everything's gonna be okay, I'll live.

We got back to my house as Shawn took me to my room and gently set me down onto the fluffy comforter. He walked to my dresser and grabbed a new pair of shorts and a hoodie, he tosses them to me as he turns in the opposite direction. I laugh as he does this, "Shawn it's nothing you haven't seen before." 'Okay you want me to get a boner from watching you strip?" "Okay stay turned around." I quickly changed as I told him to come lay with me, pulling the curtains closed and turning the tv on he got underneath the covers with me as I snuggled up to him. He wrapped his arm around me making me smile knowing I'd be safe. I felt my eyelids begin to droop, I let out a big sigh closing them. I felt Shawn kiss my forehead again as that same grin grew on my face.

I really thought I liked Jack and even Sam but right now in this moment it was only me and Shawn. I felt this tension between us that was frustrating yet amazing. Maybe I do like him, but what if he doesn't like me? I'd just embarrass myself and make our friendship weird, well weirder than it already is.

This is why I shouldn't date...

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