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Picture fo Olivia -->

Chapter Three: Cryptodynamic- Having a secret or hidden power

A girl looked around a crowded room, not from people but trinkets that she must have collected throughout the years. She closed the door, bolting it shut, before taking out a pre-packed suitcase and carefully removing the neatly folded clothing. Moving a small white cupboard in the corner of the room she picked up one of the loose floorboards, covering her actions behind the cupboard. She handpicked a few items and arranged them into the bottom of her suitcase. Looking closely she put down a dagger, bow and collection of arrows. She then went back, shuffled the items before placing a powder like substance with the weapons. Finally she covered them in the clothes she had previously removed.

After moving the cupboard back to its original location she zipped the suitcase shut and pulled it behind her. She took her passport from one of the many drawers, wore a demin jacket then unbolted the door.

“Naira hurry up, we have to leave.” A women’s voice came through from below.

“Be right there mum.” The girl, Naira, called and her mother did not reply.

Naira went to her mirror and examined herself. The mirror itself was plastered with brightly coloured post-it notes, but the biggest one read ‘ leaving for London- take book’. Naira ripped off said note, throwing it perfectly into the trash bin nearby. Unhappy with her image she changed quickly into a purple top and black jeans. She ran a hand thought her long light brown, back combing a few strands. Her light green eyes popped.

She made her way down the stairs and out the door, sitting into a taxi her mother must have called. “Naira that was awesome timing.” A smaller boy remarked, he too had the brown hair and green eyes eyes. “London here we come. I can’t wait to meet Hayden, he seems like a Don.”

The blonde haired girl gasped as she picked herself up from the floor. Her clothes were a mess, her hair tangled but she just jumped up and down on the spot with newfound glee. ‘Everything was coming together’ she thought as she skipped around the room, staring at a few of her engravings on her wall. They were all mementos from her visions; something she thought would be helpful or important someday. She had drawn them on soon after she saw them, but the really important ones were saved for her skin.

She stroked the images on the wall before pulling out her game board. The new piece she had flown in last night had to be named so ‘Naira’ was put onto the figure and placed with the Hayden figure in one of the homes. The Tammy figure was placed near the edge of the board in a hotel while the Felix piece was softly placed near Fedro’s. Taking a camera from the side of her bed she took a picture and wrote the date onto the white section. She put away the toys and threw all the clothes out of her cupboard, staring at the notice board where she’d pinned her days. Pinning the new one she started fold the clothes and put them back.

The date today was the 21st of January 2012 so Naira must have left for London yesterday. That meant she would get here today or tomorrow, completing a group of four. Four would be needed to start the mission, look for clues and if their lucky complete it without the other four being called and placed in danger. But they were unlikely and almost always the eight of them met up. But when the world was not in danger they went about their normal lives. Sure they inherited their arts at 15 but they never met the others, which meant she had not seen her Felix in over 673 years. He wasn’t there the last time they met, he was their exception.

That was a lie, he wasn’t their exception. He was her anomaly. Only hers. Having no art meant he was often never recognised and when he was he would not know them. It hurt her whenever she stared at him and he only looked at her in confusion. Her heart was break a little when he would ask who she was, because he was the only one that meant the most to her. Sure the other six would always be loved by her but she would only ever be in love with Felix. They always remembered their past lives, but he never did and she had to ignore the sympathy looks Nysa would send her way. Since he had no art, nothing could destroy him. He would keep his humanity, forgetting everything the moment his eyes shut for the last time.

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