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Chapter Four: Dormition- Falling asleep or Death

Hayden walked into school just as the bell for form time rang. He used to be late everyday but now he had to shape up. The fate of the world lay in his hands. They had to win. He also needed to get to university, which meant actually attending the lessons. As well as saving the world he needed a place in it.

He also hurt his mother anymore, she’d had enough heartache, the last thing she wanted was for him to be kicked out of school. With her relationship with her best friend becoming non-existent, and being left by her husband he wasn’t sure want else she could take. His mother was always a sensitive one. He was glad when Aunt Holly called and said she would like to mend their relationship, his mother said they could stay at the house and not pay for a hotel. He’d never seen her happier.

“How nice of you to grace us with you presence.” Ms Grey said as he walked in.

“I aim to please.” He smiled back, taking his seat next to Felix. The other boy was not looking good, there were bags under his eyes, his hair was messy and Hayden guessed the papers on the desk was a vain attempt at revision. They were scattered over their desk meaning Hayden couldn’t do his homework. Oh well.  

“At least there’s no test for Geography yet. I think I’d explode. Stupid A-levels.” Felix said as he tried to fix his hair and finish an essay. Hayden kept back a laugh, not only was Felix acting like an idiot he was also talking like one.

“This isn’t your house you know.” Chris called from the table in front. “Here, let me.” She reached into her bag, pulled out a mirror and did Felix’s hair for him. “Much better. What’s my reward?”

“Anything you want.”

Chris only smiled before returning to whatever she was doing. “Why is it so late?” Hayden asked, Felix always finished his homework, he needed the grades.

“I’ve just been really busy, exams and work really takes a toll on you. The school could at least be a bit more lenient but no, they have to keep be behind for revision. Do I look like I need revision? I’m a straight A student with a social life.” Felix ranted like that for another minute so Hayden tuned out. He was much more interested in the looks Payal was sending his way.

“I think I’m getting a co-worker. Hayden you listening?” Felix started to prod him with a pencil. Hayden told him he was. Felix thought it was big news as he’d finally get someone to ‘man the counter’ with him. He knew it was a girl with close relations to the boss.

“Hayden.” Ms Grey came over and kneeled in front of his desk. “Mr Amra called your house yesterday to talk about your absences. Your mother told you?” Hayden’s mother had not told him anything. When he got home yesterday he was in a very bad mood and his mother thought that a good time to talk to him. He’d tuned out of her rant too, instead watching the clock hands. She only ranted for ten seconds then picked up the ringing phone and forgot to finish talking to him.  He told Ms Grey his mother told him, he just didn’t tell her he didn’t hear it. From the corner of his eye he could see Felix on his phone. “I expect to see you’ve attended all your lessons this term.” She looked at him, not leaving until he agreed.

It probably wasn’t the best time to have that conversation seeing as he’d have to miss History in the afternoon. “How’d you like your present?” Felix asked Chris who had a very serious face on. She said she’d seen better which sent Felix into a fit of laughs. “I’m sure you have.” She smiled again.

“Who put this in my pocket?” Hayden asked talking out the paper from his leather jacket. He’d forgotten the reason one of the reasons he’d come so early.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2012 ⏰

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