//chapter 5//

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He turned around.

"Whats your name?"

I blurted out desperately. I already knew his name but this was the only thing I could think to say.

He raised an eyebrow after looking down and checking to make sure he was wearing his name tag.

"It's Greyson."

"Nice to meet you."

He nodded and then just stood there awkwardly like he was waiting for me to say something. A couple seconds passed and he walked back to the kitchen.

I mentally facepalmed when I realized that he was probably waiting for me to give him my name as well.

I finally headed back to my hotel. I felt like a failure. The one person I came her for I couldn't even make a conversation with. Not to mention he wasn't too good with words either.

This is impossible.

I couldn't bring myself to leave. Once I put my duffel bag in the trunk I couldn't turn the key. I just wanted to stay there and get coffee every morning until I could finally figure out what this was all about.

Finally I turned the key. I pulled out of the hotel and made a couple stops before my trip. I even ate dinner and went to a couple tourist places. It was 8pm before I finally got onto the highway.

I turned on the music hopefully loud enough to keep me from coming to my senses and turning around.

I was only a couple miles down the road when I felt it.

It was the most intense pain I had ever felt. Right in my side.

I immediately pulled over not able to breath.

I pulled up my shirt and there was a giant gash with blood flowing out.

I could barely contain the pain I was feeling and it started escaping in the form of short screams.

I knew there had to be something wrong with Greyson.

I pushed through the pain and got off on the next exit to turn around. I sped up to jitters, of course it was closed what was I thinking he would never be there. I pulled out my phone and called the number that I had found online for jitters.

Please please please

A very calm voice answered.


This is the stupidest idea I've ever had.

"You have an employee by the name of Greyson, right?"

"Yes?" She must have been confused.

"Do you have any idea where he is?"

"I'm sorry ma'am I can't give out that information."

I gripped my steering wheel as hard as I could.

"Please he is in trouble."

"Are you related to him at all?"


I had to lie.

"I'm his... mother."

I immediately tried to force my voice to sound older and more mature.

"As far as I know he was going bowling and then to his house. He should be home by now."

"Where was he bowling?"

She gave me the name of it and his house address and I hung up. I had to go there. I had to retrace his steps. I didn't care how creepy I sounded.

I didn't go into the bowling place. I still don't know why. I just felt that I needed to go. I had tied a shirt around my waist to keep it from bleeding but it still hurt me.

The road from the bowling alley to his house did not seem like it was traveled often and wound through a bunch of dark woods. He must have lived very far away from town because the road seemed to go on forever.

That's when I saw a car gone off into the ditch. It was upside down and I would have never saw it if my lights didn't reflect off of it in just the right way.

I pulled over and rushed to his car. The windows were smashed in and he was laying there unconscious. A big piece of glass had gone into his side. I opened the door and somehow managed to squeeze him out of there.

Sweat was dripping down my face and the blood from his side was all over my hands and forehead.

I laid him down in the back seat of my car and ripped his shirt off to wrap around his wound.

"Greyson please wake up."

I begged him. The nearest hospital very far away and right then it would probably take less time for me to just drive him than for an ambulance to come and get him.

My whole body was shaking. Not the same shaking I got when I was nervous to meet him but shaking that I literally held his life in my hands.

I got in the drivers seat after making sure he was - as comfortable as I could make him.

No one was on the roads so I turned on my brights and floored it until I saw lights up ahead. I found the nearest hospital on my phone and raced there.

I'm sure the drivers on the road hated me for weaving around everyone and I still can't believe I didn't wreck but we finally made it and I got him into the hospital. It was then that a nurse asked me if I needed assistance as well.

I had completely forgotten about the gash in my side. I had been so focused on this stranger that my own problem seemed like nothing. I just told her that the sooner he was healed the sooner I would be too.

A/N don't forget to vote and tell me what you thought, I'd love to know :)

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