The king meets the kitten

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Cuphead and mug man failed to get all the contracts   

"For your punishment you'll be working here and your souls boys are mine now" boomed the devil with glee as he and others laughed. Cuphead and mug man both shaking with fear there fate was now sealed  .But they weren't  alone with them was there friend calico. She couldn't  take the laughing and was ready to strike the devil. But alas her effort was invain  by king Dice holding her up by her overalls. She gave him a hiss trying her best to swipe him as possible. Dice thought her actions  were so adorable" Boss since it's only the boy's souls you want mind if I keep this lil kitten". Said dice while tickling under Calico's chin going " goochie  goochie  goo "avoiding her swipes. The Devil thought of this for a moment  even after  hearing  the boys beg for her freedom. "Heh of course Dice careful  though she looks like a biter,as for you two your job for now is bust boys" They didn't like the sound of that but it could be worse like being tossed in the fires of Heck."Dice take them to the kitchen to get started pronto" "Yes sir ,you heard the boss move it" King Dice ordered still holding  calico. She tried more to struggle but starts wearing down.Which he moves her in his arms she gives up with no more fight in her.No words are spoken as Dice leads Cuphead and  mug man  inside the kitchen. "The chef will give you further instructions  from here, I expect  results at the end of the day " he warns them with a cold tone. The boys have no words instead giving him cold eyes back to him. But for calico tears fall for her whispering "We will save you  ". Calico can only shed her tears looking over  Dices  shoulder. whispering back a "I love you both" as she's carried away by King Dice. 

(Walking down the employees hall moving inside Dices room)

 Alone with him and the sinking feeling shes never going to see her friends again. Calico starts whimpering fearing  of what he has plans for her.Dice shushes her  with a  gentle kiss on  her forehead even wiping her tears away. That he puts her down on a comfy couch as he kneels down to her height. "Aww now sweetie I'm not gonna hurt ya cause you got  moxie" Calico looked  in his eyes that gave off a gentle jade with kindness ."Please Mr. King Dice I want my friends  back and I wanna go home" pleads calico. Poor little kitten he thought to himself he tries to soothing her. "sorry honey but they brought  this upon themselves , besides you are home things are going to get better" coos king Dice. Calico covers her face sobbing he  here's her saying in muffles."this whole place is scary I miss  Elder kettle and cuppy and muggy  I don't want to be here ". King Dice Sighs this is going to be tough he realized she was brave yet shes still a little thing . He does have some  work to do and to check on the boys after there shifts over.But right now he needs to take care of her.  He goes and grabs a blanket  and comes back wrapping her in it. Moves to holding her in his lap as he starts rocking her to sleep.Calico moves abit in the blanket grabbing the blanket tighter. Her eyes starts drooping as she rest her head to his chest.She hears him ask " Calico honey I need to take care of my rounds,  I'm just going to move you to my bed and I'll be back alright". At first she doesn't say a thing but then he hears "then can I see my friends mr. King Dice". Such a sweet little girl he has in his arms. Thinking of them instead of herself no greed in her tiny heart. He then moves her in his bedroom and  tucks her into bed. Before  she doze  off any  further King Dice pets her hair and says with a smile." I'll make it happen go ahead and get some rest" . Calico squeeks a tiny yawn and snuggles  into the soft pillow. King Dice couldn't helps but to let a chuckle escapes. Before leaving he smooches  her on the cheek and whispers. 

"Sweet dreams kitten" 

King Dice x Child readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora