A kittens education

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King Dice is use to paper work and boy howdy getting calico rolled into school is lots of work. She even got her vaccination she's not a fan of it.  the whole time in the doctors office she burried herself into Dices chest. As he kept telling she's being so brave and he's here and kept giving her butterfly kisses. Afterwords they got ice cream even dice doesn't care much of needles either. All was left to do was get school supplies to buy before school started . course poor calico was so tired so Dice carried her as he did the shopping. He started to notice some of the mom's think it's so adorable with calico nuzzling him. Some came up to him to ask how old she was and tell him she was so cute. Course not to disturb her nap he gave them his usual charm like always. Obiviosly not mentioning how he came to getting her originally. So leaving them and heading home with calico still out. He drives on home and puts her down for a proper nap. He knows tomorrow is the first day of school  luckly it's only half the day. So he can pick her up from school on his lunch break. Heh school, toys, doctors appointements , etc so so much to do. 

Inkwell elementary 

It's a small school but that's not what made calico nervous  there's just lots of kids . King Dice noticed her clinging to him "okay honey pie I do need to go to work but look here". Calico looked to his watch "  it's 10 am right now  and I'll be back at 1:30 pm to pick you up alright" Calico still wouldn't move. Poor Dice this was going to be tricky elder kettle did her schooling. He did mention that calico was timid to other kids her age. Infact she always played with cuphead and mugman only. Dice tried to move but her hold on him was amazing that when he lift one leg. She held on it so it's going to be like this he thought. Walking inside and standing outside her classroom that's when he meets her teacher Ms.  Honey Dew " Oh Mr. King Dice welcome and who's this " calico blushed as dice pet her little head. " This is my daughter calico she's quite shy first day gitters and all". Ms. Honey Dew agreed so coming down to the shy girls height she spoke softly. " Hi calico I'm Ms. Honey Dew I'm your teacher how are you" she smiled. Calico started to get brave she can tell that she was very nice " I'm fine there's lots of kids here " I know sweetie the first day can be scary, tell you what why don't you go over to talk to margie at the craft area". She looks to she margie working on a yarn doll. she spots calico and waves her to come over, calico takes a breath and walks over. King Dice is so proud of her being brave perhaps those two Will become friends. He turns to ms. Honey Dew " Thankyou ma'am here's my number just in case calico needs me." " Thank you Mr. King Dice will see you after school" she smiled. Afterwords Dice walks to his car to see from the widow calico having lots of fun. He sighs he knows it's only going to be a few hours but it's going to be alright so on to work then.

Schools over

Calico waves at her new friend Margie  goodbye as she climbs in Dices car. King Dice asked" Did you have fun today at school sweet heart".Calico told everything as physically possible it amused him of how excited she was. Of course he will be there whenver he needs him on good or bad days. 

Either way he's got this 

King Dice x Child readerWhere stories live. Discover now