Part One

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He had left her. She was now an empty shell. She tried calling Jacob, but he won't answer. Now Charlie is worrying about her. She tried E-mailing Alice, but Alice never answers!

I thought they were my friends. Bella thinks to herself. I thought Edward loved me... I thought Alice was my friend!

"Bella? Can you please come down here?" Charlie calls Bella down. Bella sighs before going to Charlie who was sitting in the living room. "Bells, sit down. Please." Bella sits next to Charlie. "Man... I really wish I didn't have to tell you this."

"Tell me what?" Bella asks.

Charlie sighs heavily, "On the day you were born... your mother and I well... we were suppose to have twins. Twin girls." Bella stares at Charlie in shock. "You were brought out by a nurse... she told us congratulations on having a child, but apologized for the loss of another. Your mother and I were devastated... I just wanted you to know that if your sister was here... I bet she'd be happy to give you company." Charlie finishes.

"Did... did you give her a name?" Bella asks.

"Elizabeth Helen Swan." Charlie tells Bella.

That night, Bella sits on the window seat of her room and wonders if her sister is in Heaven. I mean, if vampires are real... what else could be out there?

Bella closes her eyes and whispers, "I wish Elizabeth was here. I really need the company." Bella stands, and turns to be greeted by a figure. Bella freezes there, she knew Victoria was still after her. "Who are you?" Bella asks the figure.

"Who am I?" the figure repeats. It's a girl. "Well... I'm appalled! I'm the one you just wished for." suddenly, Bella was standing face to face with a girl who looked exactly like her. Their only differences was their eyes and hair style.

"Elizabeth?" Bella says.

"Hey Isabella." Elizabeth smiles. Her eyes were a blue while Bella's were brown, and her hair was in a messy, wavy look while Bella's was straight.

Bella starts towards Elizabeth, but hesitates to hug her. "H-how are you here? I thought you were dead." Bella whispers.

Elizabeth sighs, "I'm an Angel, baby sis. After my death I was saved by an Angel and trained to protect people. Why do you think your not dead yet?" Elizabeth winks at Bella. Then Elizabeth walks up to Bella and they hug.

They release one another and Bella looks at Elizabeth. "So... why couldn't I see you before?" Bella asks.

"You praying, practically, to me gave me a pass to show myself to you. Before, if I showed myself to you, you wouldn't have understood who I was. Now that you know, well... it's easier to show myself to you when you believe in me." Elizabeth explains.

Bella nods, "So... I've got an Angel for a twin sister huh. Cool." Bella smiles.

"Yup... oh and you can call me Liz, Lizzy, Eliza, or Beth, either one doesn't matter to me." Elizabeth smiles back.

"Alright, you can call me Bella, Bells, or Bell, I don't care which one." Bella says. "Will you be able to stay?"

"Yeah, think of me as your... Guardian Sister." Elizabeth smiles.

From then on Bella knew she would be safe with her sister around, but let's just say Elizabeth didn't trust Edward.

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