Am I Good Enough?

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**Fae's pov**

"Oh my gosh..... what happened here?" I yelled as I walked into the dance studio. There were papers every where and graffiti on the broken mirrors, it did NOT look like a high class dance studio.

"It was the Vandals MKG....they've been going around and hitting up places and destroying them," I turned to see a middle aged woman walk over to me.

"Hello I'm Mrs. Nutan, I was the one who chose you to be in Juliard," She said with a smirk.

"Oh hello Mrs. Nutan! It's nice to meet you! Thank you so much for picking me to be here! I wont let you down!" I shook her hand a little to fast but I was to happy to care.

"Yes well I must get back to my job, it was nice meeting you," She said with a nod. I gave her back a thank you but she was to far away to hear.

"Alright Fae let's go, you still have to try out," KIan said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the other side of the studio.

"Ok I want you to go in there and show them what a real dancer looks like, don't hold back and don't give up," Kian wrapped me up in a hug and walked in the front to take his seat. OK, I can do this.

I walked over to the back entrance and got all my stuff together. I got a number from a lady and she told me to stay there until that number was called.

I sat there for about 15 minutes in the back room until the over speaker came on.

"19 please report to stage 2, 19 to stage 2," I looked down at my number 19 and started to walk to stage 2.

"Hello Mrs. uhhhh Fletcher. What are you going to be doing for us today?" I walked on stage and looked at a middle aged man with a thick white beard and a younger woman with curly brown hair in the front row, I looked back a little farther and saw Kian flash me a thumbs up.

"My name is Fae and i'll be doing a contemporary dance to Crawl by Chris Brown," The man nodded and I got into position.

The music started up and I nervously started to go over the steps. About halfway through the first verse I got a sudden much needed wave of confidence and finished the dance with ease.

"Thank you Mrs. Fletcher, I hope we'll be seeing more of you at Julliard," and with that the man and lady left the stage room to go on to the next dancer.

"Oh my gosh Fae what was that?! I've seen you dance but not like that!" Kian said running on the stage.

"I-I don't know! I just got in the moment I guess..." I said looking down in embarrassment.

"Well it looks like they liked you!" He said nudging me.

"Oh I don't know, ther's plenty of other dancers that are way better than me," I stated shaking my head.

"Oh please! You're getting in this school with out a doubt! Now come on let's go celebrate, my treat," Kian said taking my hand and leading me out to his car.

"Well I'm not going to turn down an offer like that.... how does Cherry Berry sound?" I said giving him a sly smile.

"Oh if you insist! And after that you can help me film my video for this week! It's challenge week and I was hoping that since your a girl and all we could use your make-up for the make-up challenge?" He said giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"Oh alright fine! I'll do it," I said rolling my eyes. Kian did a little happy dance and almost swerved off the road. We both looked at each other and started laughing as we drove to the frozen yogurt shop.

**Nash's pov**

"Yo Nash we gotta go! Let's get out of here man! This place is crawling with TK's," I looked over at Shawn with a panicked look in his eyes.

We were in the process of making a deal with some random stoner when the TK's had to fucking bud in and screw up the whole operation, we were currently having a shoot out with about ten of their guys and we were running low on ammo.

"Ok guys, we need to fan out, evryone head to the building on 6th street, we'll all make a run for it but stay in you coverage. Remember, keep your man covered and don't get shot, let's move out!" I wached all the guys group up into their usual two pairs and fan out.

"I guess we finally have a reason to call war on the TK's now huh?" Carter said while cocking his gun.

"Carter you know we can't do that, they're getting bigger and their allies are the biggest in the business. We can't take that risk, not quite yet," We used to be paired up with the TK's until their leader Ryan tried to take over, my older brother Will was in charge when that happened and when he tried to stop him he was murdered, that's how I came to take over with my guys and everyone else just left. I used to be a normal kid but that changed me, and I'm never going back.

We all made it back at the building panting and cut up.

"We can't have another run by like that Nash, we need more guys, experienced ones at that," Jack J said spitting out blood from his busted lip.

"Yeah but who? Everyone here are with the TK's," Matt said rolling his eyes.

"Wait, I think I might know someone," Aaron said while digging in his pocket to grab his phone.

"Who?" We all asked in sync.

"His name is......."


**hey guys! Sorry for the cliff hanger, I was goin to make the chapter longer but I need y'all's help. I don't know if I should put more celebrities in here as characters or if I should just come up with people.... any suggestions? And I also need girl friends for some of the guys! Just message me your Name, height, hair color, eye color, and anything else you want me to put in here and who you want to be with. If I don't put you with the guy you want now I'll try to put you in the story later. And now we know something about Nash's past! I kind of feel bad about killing of Will...... he seems so sweet lol. But other than that I'll be updating every Thursday soooo yeah! I'm only updating early today because I'll be at Port A all week and I won't have any time!

Peace, love, and Taco Bell- Lexi

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