I'm Sorry

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**Fae's pov**

"Fae are you sure you want to go on a date with this kid? You don't even know him!" Kian and Jacob were currently sitting on my bed trying to talk me out of my date with Matt tonight, but I don't plan on budging.

"Guys I'll be fine! It's just dinner! What could go wrong?" I said applying the last of my nude eye shadow.

I was wearing a white crop top with a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans and black combat boots with a gold necklace and some rings, an to top it all off I put on my black beanie.

"Ok Fae I guess I trust you, but it's the kid I don't trust." Jacob said glaring at me.

"Will you just give him a chance?" I was in the mirror making sure my beach waved hair was perfect when the bell rang.

I froze and slowly turned around and saw Kian and Jacob look at each other with devilish smirks.

Oh no.

I ran towards my door but was cut short by the two boys who were way faster than me in skinny jeans.

"Kian! Jacob! Don't you dare!" I was half way down the steps when I heard the door open. Shit.

"So where are you taking her? Is that the only place? Are you going to try to knock her up?" Kian and Jacob were interrogating Matt with their arms crossed shooting daggers at him with their eyes.

"Ok guys! I will see you guys later! I love ya'll! Bye!" I yelled running past them slamming the door.

"Oh my gosh Matt I'm so sorry, they are very protective." I said letting out an awkward laugh.

"Don't worry it's fine, they were kind of funny." Matt said laughing.

I finally worked up the courage to look him in the eye and man was he cute.

He was wearing black vans, Khakis, and a volcum tank top with his hair up in a perfect quiff.

"So are you ready to go? I got us reservations at Olive Garden." He said with a smile as he opened the door for me to get in. I blushed and got in.

"Thank you but are you sure about Olive Garden? I mean, that's pretty expensive." I said rubbing my arm.

"Don't worry about it, I wanted our first date to be perfect." Matt said intertwining our hands and driving down the road.

I blushed like a mad man.

"So tell me about your self. Are you in any sports or anything?" Matt said after about five minutes of silence.

"Well, my name is Fae Brooks Fletcher, I have an older brother named Jacob and a little sister named Courtney. My favorite color is purple, my favorite artist is Jake Miller and I'm a dancer." I said naming all the things that seemed to be most important.

"That's awesome." Matt said flashing me a genuine smile.

"Thanks, now what about you? What's something all the girls are dying to know about the Matthew Espinosa?" He laughed and shook his head.

"My name is Matthew Lee Espinosa, I'm an only child(I'm just saying that I know he's not an only child ok), I love vans, and surfing is my life." He said pulling up to the restaurant.

"Well that sounds very cool." I said smiling and getting out of the car.

We walked up to the front desk and Matt spoke up.

"Hi, reservations for Espinosa." The lady looked down and flipped through some pages.

"Ah here you are! Right this way." She said taking two menus and led us to our table.

"My name is Nicole and I will be your server this evening what can I get y'all to drink?" She said pulling out a pen and pad ready to write down our orders.

"I'll have a coke," Matt said handing her his drink menu.

'Alrighty, and for you?"

"I'll have a water please."

"Sounds good, I'll be right back with your drinks and I'll be ready to take your orders when ever y'all are ready."

She walked away and I smiled.

"So you said you were a surfer, how long have you been shreddin the waves?" I said with a smirk.

He just looked at me and laughed.

"Well dude I've been shreddin them narley waves since I was ten brahhhhh." He said in a surfer dudes accent.

We looked at each other and broke into a fit of giggles.

Things pretty much went like that for the rest of the night.

Matt would say something supper funny and I would have to try my best to not bust out laughing.

"I had a really good time tonight, this was seriously the best date ever." I said walking out of Olive Garden hand in hand with Matt.

"Me too, your a really cool girl Fae." Matt said looking at me with almost reluctince in his eyes.

"Hey, uh, could I show you something before I drop you off back at your house? It'll only take a second I promise." We got in the car and Matt looked at me with a small smile.

"Yeah sure, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." Oh gosh, I'm really bad at surprises.

"Oh come on, can I have a hint? Please?" I said not being able to hide my excitement.

"You just have to wait." He said laughing.

"Uhhh come on Matt! Just a tiny small hint?" I said with my best pouty face.

"Nope." He said not taking his eyes off the road.

"Ugh! Ok fine! I guess I'll wait." I said slouching in my seat.

A few minutes passed by and we were pulling into a creepy looking neighborhood.

"Matt, where are we going?" I said getting a little freaked out by where our destination would be.

He just tightened his grip on the wheel

"Calm down Fae, we're almost there." He said not once looking at me.

I shook my head nervously as to what I got my self into.

He pulled into what looked like an abandon building.

"Matt I do't like this place, please take me home." I was starting to panic and was really wishing I listened to Kian and Jacob.

"I'm sorry Fae." I looked over in shock at Matt, his head held down.

"What? Why are you-?" I didn't have time to finish my sentience because there was a sharp pain that hit the side of my head, knocking me out.

What's happening?


**Hey guys! I have some good/bad news..... Next week I'm starting 2adays(Witch is basically a way for my high school coaches to separate the wusses from the athletes and kick our asses for about two weeks) and then until November my life will be revolving around football. Witch means that I will have little to no time to update and I'm so very sorry. Last year I barley had time to watch tv and this year is the year my team and I have decided to go all out and push ourselves to our limits and beyond and I don't think all the stories I have going now are going to be updated very much but! Non the less I will try. So let's see how this goes!

Peace, love, and real girls eat cake(If you know what this means I love you)

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