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(Chapter One)

Lena yelled in emotional agony when the love of her life fell to her death and she couldn't do anything to stop it. As if by some miracle, Supergirl appeared behind Lena a minute later and ran at Sam, hitting her in the back. Sam turned and scowled at the superhero. They threw punches at each other, which the other one always either blocked or took and barely flinched. Suddenly, Superman hit Sam on the back of the neck and she fell to the ground.

"Kara!" Lena ran up to her now fiance and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Wow, sorry. It's not..." J'onn pulled away and shifted into Hank's skin.

"Oh, sorry, J'onn." Lena felt really awkward until she realised something. "Where's Kara?" 

"Safe in her apartment, Miss Luthor." Lena nodded and ran down the stairs to her motorcycle underground. She sped all the way to Kara's apartment door and relaxed when she heard Kara laughing at the television. She opened the door and put her purse on the table. She walked to the couch and sat next to the blonde.

"Hello love." Lena put her arm around Kara and rested her head on her shoulder.

"Lena, how did the fight with Reign go? They said it was happening near L-Corp."

"It wasn't Reign." Lena sat up straight and refused to look Kara in the eyes as she explained what happened. "Sam tried to kill you... but... it was J'onn, I mean, you know that but I didn't. I tried to kiss him because I thought it was you. They took her down but she wants you dead. She said that you shouldn't have lied to your friends and that Supergirl is lies covered by a false sense of hope or something like that."

"Sam? Why Sam?" Kara didn't really understand. Sam had been fine for months now, why was she suddenly like this?

"The DEO is going to contain her until we can get some answers but Alex thinks it might be Red K or something like that." Kara just nodded and unpaused the television. Lena was worried that Kara wasn't feeling what she was supposed to be feeling but both of them knew that she would soon.

At the DEO, Alex stood before Sam with her hands on her hips. Alex just stared at her.

"Do you want a cookie?"


"Yeah, 'What' are you waiting for?"

"For you to explain why you tried to kill Supergirl."

"She's lied to you about so many different things. She lies to and hurts people. What kind of Superhero does that to her friends?"

"It's Red Kryptonite, isn't it? You are feeling anger, pure hatred." Alex had an idea and walked out, straight (or not straight coz it's Alex...) to her lab. After an hour of looking under microscopes and working things out, she had a cure. It hadn't taken her nearly as long as it did last time but she had a cure for Red Kryptonite.

Kara arrived at the DEO, heading for the cell rooms. When she got to where Sam should have been, she was surprised when the room was empty. Kara ran to the main section of the DEO where Alex was.

"Where's Sam?"

"She's in the med bay. She'll wake up soon."


"We cured her." Alex shrugged, then grabbed Kara's hand and pulled her to the room where Sam was sleeping under sunlamps. Kara smiled at Alex and walked to her friend's side. She pulled a chair up next to the sleeping Kryptonian and waited for her to wake.

Sam jolted awake, hitting her head on the sunlamps. She groaned and lay back down.

"You're awake." Sam looked at Kara. "Are you okay? You still don't want to kill me, right?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm fine." Sam swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood. "Wow." She stumbled but Kara caught her. 

"Are you sure you are okay? What's the last thing you remember?" Sam thought for a while. She used Kara as a crutch as they walked out to the hallway. Suddenly, everything came back to Sam and she stopped walking.

"I... I threw you off a building!" She put a hand to her mouth and started crying. "I'm so sorry, I never..."

"Stop, Sam. It's fine. It wasn't you, it was the Red K." Kara wrapped her arms around her friend and comforted her until she stopped crying.

"Red K?"

"You have a lot to learn about being Kryptonian."

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