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(Chapter Seven)

Two Years Earlier (Present Day)

Kara took in a deep breath with her arms help out protectively in front of the two most important women in her life. They watched as the door swung open, revealing an angry group of men with guns but no Kryptonite, yet.

"Easy," Kara stated and ran at them, taking each one out swiftly, leaving only one left, which slipped past her but Alex took him down. "Only fifteen? Cadmus is slacking." She joked and walked to the control panel that Cisco had been sitting at before he revealed himself. Suddenly, she heard someone yell 'fire' and before she could react, a bullet was sent straight towards Lena's head.

But instead of Lena getting hit, someone sped in front of her, grabbing the bullet and throwing it into the barrel of the gun that had sent the bullet flying in the first place. Kara caught a slight glimpse of the man who had saved Lena and smiled. "Barry," Lena whispered and Kara nodded.

It hadn't yet registered in his mind who he saved until he had taken down every guy that had a gun and stopped running to look at the girls. "Kara?"

"Barry watch out!" Alex screamed but he didn't turn around in time and was knocked to the ground. Kara fought off the man who had hit Barry but just as he was about to lose, he grabbed out a shard of Kryptonite and stuck it in Kara's arm, just below her shoulder. It was her turn to scream as she fell to her knees, using her uninjured arm to take out the Kryptonite and stop the bleeding. 

Lena dropped to Kara's side and helped her up but the moment they both turned around, Kara stopped moving completely and fell, clutching her arm and screaming. Alex ran to her little sister, carefully picked her up and made her way outside. Alex called J'onn while Lena kept Kara awake and talking. A few minutes later, Barry ran outside and ran them to the DEO.

Everyone was home safe, Lena had been told she had a concussion and Kara was healed and now sitting by her girlfriend's side in the Medbay. Barry and Alex were in the room next to Lena and Kara, talking about what happened while Alex checked his vitals.

"I have been hiding away on different Earths for a while, I just didn't realise I was on Earth 38. I am glad I haven't ended up on Earth X yet, that would have been awkward." He smiled lightly.

"Just thinking about that... situation... makes me angry." Alex sighed and looked up at a monitor that was showing Barry's vitals. "Everything seems to be okay but the hit to your head needs some tending to." She parted his hair to look at where there had previously been a deep cut. "What the..."

"I heal quickly." He stated. "It's part of being a speedster."

"I wish I had your powers," Alex whined and Barry laughed.

"I sometimes get the feeling you don't need powers to be a badass." He stood, his face close to her's, they could hear each other's breath and Alex could hear Barry's quickened heart rate. She rolled her eyes internally and just let him go on until she could find the right moment to tell him. "I've always loved your fighting style and technique." He whispered close to her ear.

"Before you go any further. I need to tell you one thing." She said softly, trying to make it seem like she was on board.

"And what is that?" He pushed her up against the wall, Alex had now had enough of taunting him.

"I'm gay." She grabbed his arm and pushed him off her. "And if you ever try that again, you will have to deal with Kara's wrath." Alex smiled and walked to where Kara and Lena were asleep, holding hands.

Barry stood there, bewildered at his stupidity. He now remembered when Kara told him about Maggie. Then how at his wedding, Alex and Sara had a... night together. He groaned and followed Alex, wanting to apologise.

Time Skip (Kara's POV) 3 weeks later

I didn't realise that when I went to see Lena at the pub, a certain person would be seated near her. I didn't realise that this person would end up changing my life either. I hadn't met them yet but the minute their eyes met mine, I felt flutters similar to when I was with Lena. I shook it off but the next day, crossing the road, this person bumped into me and dropped their paperwork. I helped them pick up everything they dropped and shook their hand. They told me their name and we parted ways. And once again, I was left wondering who the hell this person was. I had never seen them, in my few years of basically getting to know the entire city, I had never seen ...

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