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(Chapter Eight, Last Chapter Of This Book)

Kara's POV

Lena and I laughed at Alex story about Barry making a move on her. At first, I thought it was because he and Iris were having problems but just before he left, he said that he needed to get home to his wife. I was sitting beside Lena at the dinner table at Alex's. I laughed at a few stories but I couldn't get my mind off of that face. That person I saw, they looked familiar. And I know I have never seen them before but there was something about them that I couldn't get out of my head.

"Kara? You have been staring catatonically out the window for the past few minutes." Alex stated. Lena nodded and grabbed my hand. "What's going on?" Alex took her last bite of her dinner and listened intently.

"It's nothing. I just thought I recognised someone yesterday and I am trying to think of where I know them from." It wasn't a lie, I just didn't tell them the whole truth. "Like I said... Literally nothing." Lena stared at me with a weird look while Alex continued to tell her story.

"So, when Maggie asked if I wanted coffee, I just stared at her blankly. It was like she didn't even remember."

"What?" I looked up at them both and gulped. They were giving each other looks as if I were an alien... wait...

"I'm talking about running into Maggie. Were you even listening?" I shook my head.

"Sorry, my mind kept drifting to that person. I heard the last part though." Alex furrowed her brow and stood, grabbing our plates to take them to the dinner table.

"Seriously, Kara. What's going on?" Lena grabbed my hand again, which made me relax slightly.

"It's just that face. I feel like I have seen them before."

"You are Supergirl, you could have saved them." She thought for another moment and then continued to speak. "L-Corp has access to a large database..." Her idea was cut short by the ground shaking and some things around the apartment falling over. "Earthquake?"

"I'm not sure." I x-rayed around, a bomb had gone off just below us. I quickly grabbed Lena and sped her to the kitchen where Alex was. I made sure to protect them from any rubble while the floor collapsed underneath us, I blacked out from exhaustion while I tried to stop Alex and Lena from getting hurt.

Lena's POV

I opened my eyes to see darkness. Nothing but complete darkness. I tried to sit up but something was laying on my chest, so I tried to move it but the minute it shifted slightly, I heard a gasp from next to me.

"Lena?" Alex's whimper frightened me. It sounded like she was in pain and I couldn't hear Kara.

"I'm here. Where's Kara? Is she okay?"

"I don't know." She grunted and suddenly, the thing that was on top of me wasn't there anymore. "Here."

"What?" I sat up and looked around, everything was still pitch black.

"You're bleeding." I felt her drop to my side and grab my arm, which I hadn't realised until now that it was throbbing. It took me a moment to realise that she was able to see. What was going on?

"How did you know that?" I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but I was pretty sure I was blinded by something. 

"Because I have eyes and can see the gravel embedded in your arm." She retorted. I imagined her raising one eyebrow, the way she does when Kara eats the last potsticker. "Wait, are you... are you okay?" 

"I'm not sure..." I felt a surge of pain through my head right down near the top of my neck, then suddenly, I saw white. Slowly, outlines of things around me became visible and I could see the worried look on Alex's face. "I am now." I sat up, ignoring the pain in the back of my head.

"I would ask if you have seen Kara, but..." I giggled, seeing that Alex relaxed slightly. We suddenly heard a scream from behind a wall. 

"Kara?" I yelled, seeing an opening which was big enough for me to crawl through. "Please tell me you're okay!"

"Where am I? Who... who am I? Someone help!" When I heard her frantic tone, adrenaline ran through my veins and I ran to where we heard the voice. Alex followed me and when we arrived at where Kara was, she was sitting there, staring blankly straight ahead of her.

"Are you okay?" I rushed to her side, putting a hand on her cheek. Alex grabbed her wrist, checking for her pulse. I could tell that she wasn't injured at all but my heart was still racing out of fear that she was hurt. "Kara?"

"Hmm?" She looked at me as if nothing had happened. "What..." She looked around frantically. I could tell she was starting to have one of her panic attacks from Claustrophobia.

"It's okay, Kara." I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. "Everything's okay. We will get out of here. I promise." She nodded and her breathing slowed. She relaxed into my arms and drifted off to sleep as Alex stood to find a way out.

Kara's POV

I woke in a hospital. Someone was at my side that I hadn't expected to see for ages. I scanned my body for injuries but found none. Why was I in a hospital bed?

"Hi." I croaked.


"I don't even know your name." I sat up and threw the covers off me. "Mine's Kara." The stranger stood and helped me up, telling me their name. I smiled and put my hand out for them to shake it. "Nice to meet you."

"You too."

Third Person (time skip one year)

Kara smiled, thinking of her new friendship. It wasn't like they had met under special circumstances, it was a few passings then an agreement to have lunch together after a surprise visit to Kara after an incident. With Sam MIA, Kara didn't really have any friends. They were happy to have a new friend as they were both unable to fit in. They were both aliens (in different ways) and neither had really met someone who understood, until now.

The two hit it off quickly and a year later, they were celebrating their friendship anniversary. Kara was thinking of proposing to Lena the next day and wanted her friends and family's opinions, so naturally, the first person she went to was... You.


I haven't really wanted to read any x-readers but I know that they are quite popular so I will write one instead. The next book in the series is going to be Alex x Reader. I won't spoil too much but the book will be called 'Justice'. 

Please send name ideas for the series. The theme is obvious but if you haven't caught on, it's one word that basically goes with the rest. If you just comment down below with one word, I'll see if I can make it a part of the series.

Please vote, comment, and check out my other fanfics. I am going to be starting an original soon, so please also make sure you check that out.

Love you all

Truth (Second Book: Faked, Truth)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon