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(Chapter Six)

Lena coughed and noticed blood coming from her lip where it had split. She suddenly felt anxious and angry at the same time, knowing half of this was because of Kara, she felt the strength to stand and hit Cisco back. This time, he took the punch and fell to the ground in a heap, unconscious. Alex stood and held out her cuffs to Lena, who immediately grabbed the keys to help her.

"Thank you." Alex rubbed her wrists and looked around.

"How did you get here?" Lena led her through a hallway.

"I'm not sure. The last thing I remember is Kara... we... were fighting." Alex suddenly realised that Kara must be angry with her. She sighed, wondering if she'll ever see her little sister again.  "She must be mad, I have to fix this. We need to leave."

"Use this tech to reconnect your Comms and call J'onn..." Lena was about to hand over a remote but instead stared at the person behind Alex, who looked at them both angrily. "Clark?"

"You won't be leaving!" He yelled and fired up his heat vision, ready to incinerate them both.

Winn had always been Kara's friend. Since the moment she walked into Catco for the first time, he was there. He was the first, other than Alex of course, who found out about Kara being the 'woman who saved the plane'. And although they had their moments, and the kiss, there was always something that brought the two back together and closer than ever. This time, she wouldn't see his dorky grin again, hear his references to outdated movies and watch him type on his custom-made StarWars keyboard.

"Kara, we have a slight problem." J'onn's words pulled Kara out of her own head.

"What is it?" She said coldly, which scared J'onn but most of all, it scared Lena. Lena felt a sudden rush of nothing from Kara's end of the link, it was almost enough to make a tear fall from her eye but she figured that standing before an angry God, it might not be a great idea.

"How would Winn say this?" He thought for a moment, looking down quickly to gather his thoughts. "We are picking up a major Kryptonian signal from the warehouse where we think Alex and Lena are."

"Don't you mean Kryptonite?"

"No, as in, a Kryptonian is there. But it's not your cousin, his signal is in Metropolis."

"Then who is it?" Kara said and flew to the place she had been looking at just a moment ago. "I am scanning and can't see any..." She found a room lined with lead. "I found them!" She charged into the room, landing behind two scared brunettes and using her laser vision immediately, without looking, on the man who was threatening her family. 

The heat shooting from their eyes clashed in a Harry Potter-esque fashion and for a moment, that's all that happened. Kara slowly made her way closer, still lasering the guy until she thought she could hit him but he dodged at the last second and she fell on her front, rolling over just as he jumped on her leg. She screamed, struggling under his heel, which was now pressing down onto Kara's chest. Suddenly, he dropped and Kara finally saw that it was her cousin... or looked like him at least.

"Are you two okay?" Kara stood, wobbling on her leg and now realising she had probably broken it.

"Kara!" Lena ran to hug her girlfriend but instead of feeling the warm hug she expected, she felt cold again.

"I'm here, and I'm not going to let you go again!" She yelled, thinking of Winn and how if she lost another member of her family, she might actually go crazy. "That goes for you, too." Kara motioned for Alex to join the hug. She did, hesitantly, and then walked to where Kal-El was laying on the ground.

"Is he..." Lena stuttered, not sure what to say.

"It's not Kal," Kara said blankly, limping to where Cisco was laying. "Is this Cisco? Why is he here?"

"He was running this new Cadmus." Kara shuddered and then thought for a moment. 

"How did he get to this Earth?"

"He's from the future," Alex answered and grabbed the remote from the floor. Lena hadn't even registered that she dropped it when Clark showed up. Alex fiddled with the buttons, hearing loud static on her comms after pressing a few, then J'onn picked up.

"Alex?Thank god! Is Lena okay?"

"We're all fine but can you send a team?"

"Why? What happened?" Kara rolled her eyes. She just wanted J'onn to send the team already and get them all to safety.

"We will explain more when we get..." Alex was cut off by a crashing sound behind them, coming from the now closed door. Kara jumped in front of her girlfriend and sister, protecting them from the potential danger.

(Time Skip)

Kara cried into Alex's shoulder, now broken from heartache and loss. Alex held her little sister, scared that her fragile body would break from just how extreme her sobs were. Nothing broke Supergirl like this, Alex thought. She was wrong though, the death of one of the people closest to Kara broke her like this. The final straw in Kara's fight was losing ...

Truth (Second Book: Faked, Truth)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя