Chapter 6

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Wayo's POV

"Well doesn't someone look nice today?" Ming said smiling as he walked in with P'Forth. I stayed up all last night discussing with my father about the operation and how he could trust these guys, it took a lot of convincing, and it didn't help that he was overseas right now so I couldn't talk with him until really late at night. So to say I looked bad was an understatement. I even had to put on my stupid glasses because my contacts started to hurt. "Do you want me to cut you?" I asked shooting him a glare and he dropped his smile. "No Boss, sorry Boss." He said apologetically and P'Forth patted his shoulder.

"We already called in and reserved the whole bar, just in case they bring a ton of people. We also have a contract ready as well as the money brief cases if we really need it." P'Forth said and I nodded. "Also I got you a new suit." Ming said showing me a new black suit and I looked at him confused. "I don't need a new suit though." I said and Ming looked at me like I was crazy. "Yo." Ming said dropping the business formality. "Your finally seeing your first love after all this time. Everything has to be perfect. The room, the people, a light and fluffy atmosphere."

"Atmosphere? Are we filming a drama? Besides what's wrong with my clothes?"

"What's wrong? WHAT WRONG? Oh I'll tell you what wrong. Your shirt has a stain, your jeans are old and torn, your hairs a mess, you look sleep deprived, and your glasses are kind of ugly. You've never looked worse."

"Jeez, Ming tell us how you really feel." P'Forth said sarcastically.

"You really want your P'Pha to see you look like a dead corpse Boss?" Ming asked crossing his arms. "I don't look that bad." I said and Ming sighed walking over and handed me a mirror. I looked at my reflection and my eyes widened. "Oh god your right what was I me." I muttered looking up at Ming and he nodded. "It's a good thing you have me to guide you my little peacock."

"What about me? I could be fashionable too." P'Forth stated. Ming and I looked at him.

"....Like I said it's a good thing you have me, so go shower and try this on." Ming said turning back to me and hanging me the suit. "Ok." I said taking the clothes Ming handles to me and walking to the spare room I turned into a bedroom with a bathroom and shower. It was a good investment to make P'Forth work on the layout for this office. I was about to walk in when I stopped in front of the door as a thought popped into my head. "Hey guys what if P'Pha doesn't like me or remember me at all?" I asked turning to them with a sad and worried look.

"Yo if that happens me and Ming will deck him right in the face." P'Forth said calmly and that was the most touching thing I ever hear. "Really?" I asked and they both nodded. "I love you guys." I said before going to shower and change. Once I was done I walked out and Ming walked over circling me, inspecting his work. "Mmhmm....I picked a great suit." Ming said mainly praising himself. "That's nice and all but how do I look?" I asked looking down at my suit. An all black suit without the tie and a stitched in golden rabbit on the coat. "A rabbit? Really?" I asked and Ming smiled. "I thought it was a nice touch and you look fine. Right P?" Ming asked

"If that Phana doesn't think you look good there's something wrong with his eyes." P'Forth said and I blushed a bit. "You guys are just saying that." I said before looking at the time. "We should leave soon to get there a bit early. Mom always said to always be punctual and on time." I said smiling and they both nodded. "Aren't you guys going to change?" I asked and P'Forth shrugged. "I don't see why we would need to." He said but Ming already had two suits in his hands and I'm sure he wasn't planning on wearing both.

"P'Forth your representing our company too. You can't go out there looking like that." Ming said gesturing to P'Forth's entire body. "Ok I don't dress that badly. Besides they'll most likely not notice me." P'Forth defended but Ming was having none of it. "Your not getting out of it this time P'Forth. Besides if you go dressed like that...P'Pha might think that Boss let's his men slack around. You don't want to ruin Boss's chances at love do you? Do you?!" Ming shouted and I looked at Ming shocked. "Will P'Pha really think of me like that?" I muttered and started to think up a bunch of terrible scenarios before turning to P'Forth. "P do me this favor. Please?" I begged with my puppy dog eyes.

So that's how the three of us walked out of the office with our suits Ming picked out. To say he was pleased with himself was an understatement. He was self praising himself the whole time, wondering if he should get into the fashion industry. We just ignored him. People probably thought we were going to a red carpet or something. But we were just going to go to a bar to get my dad a surgeon. Once we pulled up to the bar we were greeted by the owner who would personally be serving the drinks. "Can you guys stand behind me like we did last time with Park? I wanna look really cool. Oh and let's do the whole handing me the folder thing too. Here let's practice."

"Do we really have to rehearse this?" P'Forth complained just like last time.

"Of course P! Presentation is everything." I said

"Can I be the one to hand you the folder this time Boss? Since P'Forth doesn't want to." Ming asked

"Hey that's my thing. You handle the brief cases." P'Forth said holding the folder closer to him, protecting it from Ming. "But you always get to handle the folders. We don't even use the brief cases all the time! Let's do Rock Paper Scissors!" Ming said taking out his hand. But P'Forth refused, causing the two to bicker back and forth. "Boss, P is being stingy." Ming whined causing me to roll my eyes. "Ming if you really wanna do something...You can be the one that lets them in." I said and moved him over to the door and away from P'Forth and his folder.

"You'll greet them with your winning smile and gain their trust that way. Then lead them in, then make your way back behind me." I said demonstrating for him. "That seems boring." Ming said and I shook my head. "Ming what is your code name?" I asked


"Exactly. Your the Face, so you'll be the first thing people see. First impressions are very important."

"Your not just saying that right Boss?"

"I would never. If we pull this off it'll all be because of you. Right P'Forth?" I asked and he nodded giving Ming a thumbs up. "It's super important." He added and I turned back to Ming. Just another push and he'd do it. "Also...A certain someone might see how cool you are when you lead them in. He might even talk to you first." I said hoping I sounded convincing enough. "Ok." It worked? Yes it worked! I guess Ming isn't the only one capable of getting what he wants. I bet it was the part when I mentioned the certain someone. "Ok let's practice. We can't look like fools." Ming said getting into this now.

"That's the spirit Face." I said using his code name.

He walked out and P'Forth tapped my shoulder. "How did he fall for that?" He asked and I sighed crossing my arms watching the door Ming used. "Let's just say, I wasn't the only one that had a crush on someone." I said and fixed my suit a bit. "Now let's hurry up and practice." I said and Ming walked in acting like they were here.


Ok I hope you enjoy this chapter and any comments or likes really would boost my day. Not that you have to I'm not forcing you too. Just please enjoy my story. Ok bye.

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