Chapter 25

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Forth's POV

"Now say ahhh~" Beam said sounding cute freeding me some of his very delicious looking rice but I mustn't. I'm on duty, but the poison. If I don't take the food Beam is going to think that I want him to die. *Sigh* I guess I have to take one for the team or should I say beam... Lol "Ok for you." I said taking a bite. Damn that's good "To make extra sure I should take a few more bites."

*Ring ring*

"Forth I think your phone is ringing" Beam stated

"Hmm oh shit....Hello" I answered after reading the caller ID and swallowing the food. "Hey it's me Wolf we need you to come to the warehouse." I look over at Beam who was happily eating before turning away. "Is it important I'm kind of in the middle of something." I really want to eat the fried rice. "Wolf if I called, you know it's important."

Damn. "Alright I'll be there soon." I Told him before hanging up and turned back to Beam. "So who was that?" Beam asked with a hint of annoyance.

"A friend from work."

"Oh? A close friend?"

"Yeah I guess. Apparently they need some help with something. I'll take you back to your offi-"

"No need."


"I'm going with you."


"I'm going with you."

Something in the tone of his voice told me it was best I didn't try to say anything more.

(Black Rabbit's Warehouse)

As we entered the warehouse I noticed everyone seemed to be talking frantically about what to do. I noticed Tutah a bit away seeming to try and call someone before getting frustrated. "What seems to be the problem here?" I asked walking over to him and startling him. he probably didn't notice me. "Wolf that goodness your here!" He exclaimed forcing me into a hug. "I've been so worried and I don't know what to do! Knot and Bright said they'll be on their way soon but I'm just so lost."

I felt someone pull Tutah off and looked over at Beam who was smiling, but not a kind smile. "Do you mind explaining first why you called." He asked moving closer to me. "You are?" Tutah asked confused looking at Beam then at me for an answer. "Beam, leader of the Red Cross." He said and Tutah shook his hand.

"Back to why you called us." Beam said

"Right?...Last week we were supposed to receive a shipment of weapons from a branches overseas. But because it was such an important delivery Arthit and Prem were the ones to go,they said they'd be back five days ago. We've been trying to contact them but there's been no response." He said and I nodded texting someone when we heard shouting. "LET ME GO! I'm going to go bring them back here! I'll beat the crap out of those who hurt my friends!"

"Bright calm down!" Knot shouted holding Bright back from running off. "Let me go Knot! Aren't you worried too!"

"Of course Bright. But think rationally for a second." I said as we walked over and they looked over at us. "But Wolf it's my friends!" He shouted and I raised my hand to make him stop talking. "I'm not saying were abandoning them. Arthit and Prem are good friends of mine as well." I said and turned around taking out my phone. It rung for a second before they answered. "What's up Forth?"

"Hey Boss just a heads up I'm going on a rescue mission. Some guys from my unit need my help and I've sent you the details, so it'll probably take at least three days."

"That's fine. Hmm now that I think about it I think one of my Elites seems to be in that area, he should should be helpful so I'll notify him."

"An Elite? Haven't seen any of those guys in a while. Anyway thanks in advance Boss."

I hung up before turning to everyone seeing all eyes on me. I was a bit surprised because this was a first. God is this what it feels like to be visible? "Forth?" Beam called and I looked at him before feeling reassured. You're a leader. Lead. "Our friends have been taken and we've been looked down upon. But we'll soon make them regret thinking they can get away with this. Pack up men! We leave tonight!" I shouted

"Sir! Yes Sir!"

As everyone rushed to get ready Beam grabbed the sleeve of my shirt and I turned to him. "I'll send someone to take you back." I told him when he gave me a smile.

"I'm going with you."


"I'm a medic and who knows what your men have been exposed too. If I'm not there to help you might come back half dead." He said before stepping closer. "I'm going. With. You." He said and I gulped before nodding. He turned to leave when I grabbed his hand stopping him. "Just promise me something Beam." I said and he looked at me curiously. "Be careful out there. I might not be there the whole time to protect you."

"Why Forth it seems you have forgotten who I am." He said with a reassuring smile "Promise me as well that you will be just as careful." Nodding with a smile we both left to get ready.

(Unknown Place) Unknown POV

I heard my phone ring and checked seeing the caller ID. "Well this is a surprise. It's been a while since you've last called Boss." I said and heard him laugh on the other line. "It has been. You should have an idea as to why I've called." He said and I nodded looking out my window. "You have a mission for me?"

"Yes. A rescue mission. I've sent a file in advance, you should have received it now."

"Did Ming get kidnapped again?" I asked taking a seat at my couch.

"No, also thanks for that by the way."

"For you guys anything. I'm a member of the Black Rabbits too remember boss?" I said opening my laptop. "So what's this mission about?"

"Right P'Forth and some of his men are heading out where you are. Turns out some of their men have gone missing in that area."

"Men from P'Forths unit going missing? Sounds almost unheard of."

"Right? Anyways, I need you to lend a hand to the guys just to be on the safe side."

"No worries I'm on it boss just tell P'Forth to send me the time and location of the meet up. I haven't seen P'Forth in a while it will be fun to be on a mission like the old times."

"Just don't break anything like old times."

"It was just a friendly competition."

"I don't want to pay for your "friendly" anything. I gotta go, Ming wants to go out to eat and he's making me pay. I'll see you soon." He hung up and I set my phone aside looking at my laptop. A delivery was supposed to come in and be sent to one of the warehouses. Two members of Forth's Unit went missing five days ago and haven't been seen or heard from since. I scrolled down seeing a photo of the two missing people.

"This looks interesting."


Hello everyone! I hope you all liked this chapter, I even added more Sotus cast in it and I was so excited writing this one out. So there wasn't much of Wayo and Phana or Ming and Kit but I promise I'll write some soon, within the next few chapters. Thank you so much for taking your time to read my story and read this. I wish you all a wonderful day. Bye!

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