Chapter 21

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At The Same Time (Beam's POV)

"Ok that's it I was trying to be a good friend and wait for you to bring it up but I guess this is as good a time as any." I said turning to Pha and he looked at me in confusion. "Beam!" Kit shouted and I turned to him. "What? I know you want to know too Ai'Kitty." I said and he went silent, having no response. Yeah that's what I thought.

"What?" Pha asked

"Ai'Pha give me the juicy details no pressure but pressure, but not really, but tell me everything, like right now."

"I'm not telling." He said and I gasped. "How dare you Phana Kongthanin. I raised you to tell me everything. Now tell me before I make Kit force you." I said pointing at Kit as the elevator door dinged open. "Beam I'm not going too tell. I'm sure not even Wayo's friends are like this." Pha said as we walked over to the meeting room.

"Tell me everything!" Ming weeped clinging to Wayo's leg.

"I'll do it! Don't think I won't!" Forth warned half way out the window.

"Ming get off the floor and let go of me! Forth close that window right now or actually... Never mind!" Wayo shouted at both of his friends as we walked in. I turned to Phana who was shocked. "I don't think you appreciate us enough." I told him and he shut the door behind us getting everyone's attention. "Uhm Oh hey." Ming said sitting up wiping his tear from laying on the floor. "We see you guys are early." Forth said halfway out the window. "Kind of wished you knocked first." Wayo muttered setting back up a fallen chair.

"Have you guys found my contact that I lost on the floor." Ming asked looking around the floor. "Oh here it is." He laughed before putting something in his eye, a single tear falling afterwards. "Wow look a dove." Forth said as a pigeon landed on his shoulder. "Well that's enough bird watching for today,nature is so beautiful am I right ." He said shooing the bird and climbing back inside the room. "If this is your way of playing it off cool I'm going to tell you right now it isn't working." Kit laughed walking over and helping Ming up off the floor wiping his tear.

"Really? Jumping out the window?" I asked walking over to Forth who nodded. "Why didn't I think of that? Pha would have caved." I muttered as we walked to our seats. "Can we just start this meeting please?" Wayo asked, all embarrassed covering his red face. "Wayo's right, we should start the meeting." I said and everyone looked at me shocked. "We can force it out of them afterwards."

The other three agreed while Wayo seemed even more dejected. "Alright let's get to the first order of business then. Wayo, did you two kiss?"

"What kind of meeting is this?" Pha asked

"Shut up Ming."

"Worth a shot. First real order of business, the equipment Red Cross had prior to our alliance had been lacking, with a shortage of tools, sanitized rooms, and the lack of manpower." Ming explained looking up at us from his laptop. "However with help from the Black Rabbits we've been able to successfully take care of these small problems. The second thing at hand would be the skill level you three are at to conduct this surgery."

"When we first established the Red Cross we did still remain in school, however after we could no longer stay Kit's brother who was a graduate and a doctor helped in training us up into this point."


"Beam's family and mine are actually really close, and my brother was and still is a member of the Red Cross now. He's the one that helped with the medicine supplies and would tell us when a delivery would be coming to his hospital." Kit explained and they nodded. "We'd still appreciate it if in the time before the due date for the upcoming surgery you'd let us observe your skills." Ming explained and I nodded.

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