Chapter 23

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Sutee's POV

"Haha sorry about that. It's a good thing I recognized your ID or else I would have bashed your head in." Ming laughed before slinging an arm over my shoulder. Thank god for ID cards. He smiled before throwing the bat back into his office creating a loud crashing noise. "So what are you doing here at this hour uhh...Sutie?" Ming asked leaning closer and reading off my ID. "Hmm..." Did he notice? "What a weird name." He laughed.

I'll admit that it is but isn't it kind of rude to say that to the persons face? Also how didn't you notice? "Uhh...I..was.." What the hell do I say? I was looking for the flash drive I put into one of the computers that created the virus today, so that Parks gang would have an opening to hack into the network but that clearly backfired so I'm collecting the left over evidence. "...looking for the bathroom." Ming looked at me almost not convinced I mean its in the opposite direction even I wouldn't believe myself.

"Oh the bathrooms this way." Ming stated pointing me to the right direction smiling...never noticed how nice his smile was. Why is the light hitting him so well at this angel? Wait when did the lights turn on? "Is everything ok?" Ah! Too bright I can't keep my eyes open. Damn this is pissing me off. "Well..I'll get going then." I said moving out of his reach when he pulled me back surprising me.

"Wait I said it was that way." Ming said pointing again and I pulled back. "I-I'm just going to go get my things." I said and he looked at me a moment before smiling again. Seriously doesn't it hurt to smile so much? "Are you doing anything tonight?" He suddenly asked and I looked at him confused. "" I said stepping back. I was probably going to go meet up with Park's gang for a bit then go home and sleep.

"Why do you ask?"

Ming's POV

"Oh Ming who's this?" May called as we approached the group. "Sutie?" M called and May turned to M confused. "You know him?" She asked and M nodded. "He's one of our new workers in my section. Did the two of you bump into each other?" M asked and I thought for a second. "Something like that." I said taking a seat and ushering Sutie to sit next to me. Once he did the Fairy gang was quick to bombard him with questions.

"So Sutie what do you like?"

"Do you like me?"

"When's your birthday?"

"What's your blood type?"

"Are you free next Friday?"

Sutie looked overwhelmed and blushed at the question if he was free next Friday. "Alright alright everyone. Let's stop picking on Sutie here. Besides I thought I was your guys favorite." I said moving Sutie closer to me. "Oh Ming no one could compare to you. But you already have that cute doctor." I smiled before looking at Sutie. "It's alright, their just overly friendsly." I said and he nodded not saying anything.

I moved back and he quietly took a sip of his water. Prae clapped her hands gaining all our attention. "Well now that everyone is here let's eat away Ming's money!"


"Yeah!...Wait what?" I asked

A Couple Rounds Later

"SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!" Everyone yelled as Sutie and I downed the shots in front of us. "I think I'm going to puke." Sutie said with a face of regret. "I think that all the time whenever I see Ming."

"May stop roasting me!" I shouted and everyone laughed.  "Sutie say something."

"Nice one May." He said before giving her a high five.

"Dang just when I thought I could trust you. I thought you were my friend."

"It's because I've become your friend that I'm agreeing."

As everyone laughed again I got a text from a pretty little kitten. I smiled checking the message.

'Sorry busy. Don't talk to me.'

He has such a way with words. Sutie leaned over looking at my home screen wallpaper. "Is that your boyfriend?" He asked and I smiled. "No. Not yet at least."

Sutee's POV

Not yet huh? I mean it's not like it matters to me or anything. I'm just an outsider. "Must be nice." I grumbled shoving food in my mouth. "To have someone you like." I added and he nodded before reaching out and lightly touching my cheek. "Your a messy eater, just like Boss." He said laughing and I dropped my chopsticks.

"Too slow!"

"Hey M that's mine!" Ming shouted turning his attention away from me. Why is my heart racing? I heard my phone let out a small buzz noise and quickly checked before anyone noticed.

'Where are you?! We scheduled to meet today remember?! Pring's going to be pissed if you don't get here soon.'

Shit. I checked my watch seeing I was an hour late and quickly got up gathering my things. "Something wrong?" Ming asked making me quickly shake my head. If Pring knew I was out drinking with these guys she'd kill, bring me back to life just to kill me again. "I just um...forgot to..water my plants." I said, even though I'm the worst gardener ever. I once was told to take care of a cactus and it died literally the next day.

"You take care of plants?"

"Y-Yup I'm pretty eco friendly." That's a total lie. I don't even put recycling in the right bin sometimes. "It's pretty important. My mom gave them to me as a gift when I moved here." That sounds believable right? Yeah it should be heartwarming enough. I looked back at Ming.

*sniff* "That's so beautiful."*sniff*

Is it? "Well I'll be going first." I said and gave everyone a waii before walking out. I waved down a cab and was about to get in when someone called out to me. "Sutie!" I turned seeing Ming who he'd something in his hand. He stopped in front of me and grabbed my hand. Does he just do this with anyone or something?! "This is yours." He said and I looked in at his hand before my eyes widened. The flashdrive.

I quickly pulled it back and looked up at Ming. "Thanks."

"I'll see you at work tomorrow right?" He asked giving me a big smile.


After I left I rushed to the meeting and barged in seeing Park sitting across a table from Pring with his head down. "Why are you late Sutee?" She asked glaring up at me. I hesitantly walked over and took a seat in between the two. "I was out."

"Out where?"

"I was invited out by one of the Black Rabbits leaders. Since hacking into the network didn't work I thought if I got closer to the target we would have better luck next time." This was all bullshit. I just didn't want to get hammered for failing this mission. "I see. At least someone was thinking ahead. What the hell do you have to say for yourself Park?"

"Well I can say that the efforts weren't totally in vain."


OK so this time I tried to add in more humor because Ming clearly isn't always a serious guy. I hoped you all liked this chapter very much and I'd like to hear your thoughts on it. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and I appreciate your time. Bye!

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