Chapter 9 -Differences

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Aphmau MS POV
Finally that awkward situation is over. I am talking with Zane now.
"I had no idea I was so special in that dimension. it makes me feel kind of different and insecure about who I am. I feel boring compared to the things she has done." I told him.
"Pfft. You? Boring?! Give me a break!You are anything but boring!"Zane yelled.
"Heh OK OK I get it." I laughed.
"Where is Aaron?" Zane asked.
"The bathroom DUH" I say, "...Anyways for you it's probably the most awkward. Being the bad guy in that universe and all. Also it is probably awkward for Kawaii~Chan and you being that she is married to Dante in their world and here you guys are dating."
"Yeah...Heh. When we get back to MyStreet I'm gonna punch Dante in the face and then make Little Laurence cry by telling him in another world he's a shadow knight. Trust me it is Hilarious," Zane had replied
I told him, "Fine... but only punch Dante once and send me a video of Laurence crying. Deal?"
"Hm...Deal!" He responded. We shook on it.
"Also... In that world I guess you got your high school wish,... to be in a Shadow Knight," I said giggling
"HEY,I have changed so DON'T remind me of that!" Zane Complained
"Heh heh heh, Thats what you get for watching ponys without me in Love~Love Paradise. And for eating my cupcake."I explained
"THAT WAS LIKE 3 YEARS AGO" Zane yelled.
"Actually 2 years." Aphmau said Matter-Of-Factly.
"Aw it's ok ZuZu I forgive you" Aphmau  
Zane intensifies
"No. Comment." Aphmau giggled as Zane said that.
Aaron walked out of the bathroom.
"Well I have to go see ya Zuzu hehe." Aphmau said while waving to Aaron.
"Grr" Zane growled while he was walking to find KC/Nana.
»»»»»»»»»»TIME SKIP»»»»»»»»»»
••••••••WITH THE LUCINDAS•••••••
Lucinda MCD= Lucinda
Lucinda MS= Luci
Luci said "How did you even open a portal to a different dimension I still suck at making baby potions."
Lucinda said "Actually it was a-"
Lucinda mind: she will think I'm cooler if I lie about it being a side affect.
Lucinda lied "it was a.... easy spell."
Luci looked at her like a kid looking at their hero "We are all so different in your universe. If I ever did it, it would be because of a side affect or an accident."
Lucinda almost choked "Hehe......"
Both Katelyns burst in
Katelyn MCD= Katelyn
Katelyn MS= Kate
Kate looked impatient "UGH WHEN WILL YOU BE DONE ALREADY!?"
"Have YOU ever tried to make a portal to a new dimension" Luci yelled.
"And I thought you would get along with the people from the other place" Luci added.
"Hey this is all your fault Lucinda!" Katelyn Said looking just as impatient.
"I was just trying to help are you not happy with your interaction with him."Lucinda said
"Your right I guess it was just an accident" Katelyn mumbled.
"Wait you said it was on purpose." Luci said as she stood up and scowled at Lucinda.
"Actually I said it was easy and the spell that got us here with a side affect WAS easy." Lucinda said grinning at her excuse.
"Your lucky your me." Luci mumbled still scowling.
MCD Aphmau suddenly burst through the door.
"How is it coming?"She asked.
"Well I would say it's about half way done." Lucinda said.
"But it's been 3 hours since you started"Kate whined.
"And it really hasn't been a social time we have barely talked with the other us's." Aphmau said.
"Speak for yourself Katelyn and I have been talking the whole time" Kate said.
"Yeah and so have me and Lucinda." Luci said.
Aph MS walks in.
"How many people are going to be in this room by the time we are done!?"!Luci whined.
"I don't know but I heard everything so than I have a quiz for you guys to see if you HAVE been socializing." Aph started. "So Katelyn from the other world. Who is Katelyn from this world dating." Aph said and smirked
"I swear" Kate said as she smacked her forehead and shook her head.
"WAIT YOU ARE DATING SOMEBODY AND DIDNT TELL ME I SWEAR- Ahem I don't think we got there in our conversation yet." Katelyn said shakily. "Is it bad?" She said almost afraid to ask.
Kai walks in.
"I SWEAR TO IRENE THE NEXT PERSON WHO COMES IN HERE!" Luci screamed really out of character.
"Why am I seeing double of Lucinda Aphmau and Katelyn?" He asked confused and rubbing his eyes astonished.
"No." Kate answered.
"Aaw but he is hot" Katelyn said so quietly only Kate could hear.
"Welllllllll..... do you know anybody by the name....T........ravis?" Aph said laughing at the MCD faces.
"..." means Bleh fellow MatPat fans.
"..." Katelyn looked at Kate.
Kate shrugged and argued "I don't know about in your universe but he is not a perv anymore in this universe."
"Anymore?!" Lucinda said
"Yeah actually same thing in our world except we aren't dating and he just flirts with me," Katelyn had stated
"Really!?!" Lucinda asked
"Yeah, Miss I-Will-Leave-For-3-Years-Only-To-Appear-To-Help-Dante-And-Kenmur-Save-Emmalyn-From-Zane-And-Fail, He Has!!!" Katelyn said a little harshly
Aph, Aphmau, Luci, and Kate started laughing.

"Don't tell Travis from our universe he will get too happy." Aphmau said with a grin.
Travis MCD walks in.
"Don't tell me what?" He asked.
"YOU AND KATELYN ARE DATING IN THIS UNIVERSE." Aph yelled into his eardrums.
"..." Katelyn looked at Aph
"Oh rea-" He was cut off by Katelyn punching him.
"Remember when I used to punch him?" Kate said grinning at her other self's reaction.
"POTION IS READY" Lucinda sang out.
"Are you sure it's not a fluke like it was last time?" Katelyn asked Linda meanly.
"It should work but if it doesn't we might go to a past or future this potion is unpredictable!" Lucinda said semi-proudly.
"LETS GO!" Katelyn said knocking the potion through the window where the others were socializing.They all ran out just in time to see a light.
"Where are we?"Aph asked as they woke up and suddenly saw a white haired girl arguing with a black haired girl with some red.
"Oh no." aaron said quietly.

Also this is a different universe's past they are messing with so it won't affect their mystreet it will affect a different universe mystreet. Also in emerald secret were they looking for Kim and did ghost use her body to kiss Zane

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