Chapter 15-The Potion is Done

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MS Lucinda POV
It was midnight and we are finally almost done. I am so tired and I think the other me is too. Maybe we should take a short nap. As I was going to suggest it she said,"Hey, um other me-"
"Just call me Luci"
"Right, so um Luci, are you getting tired?"
"Yeah, you?"
"Yeah, wanna take a small short power nap."
"Yes! That would be so helpful. We will be able to finish it after that nap! And be able to focus better!!"
"I know okay!" And so we fell alseep.
---Timeskip To When They Woke Up---I had woke up and I checked my phone and learned that it was Tuesday.
"IT'S TUSEDAY AT 12PM!!! IT WAS SUDAY AT 11:59 WHEN WE FELL ASLEEP!!!" I yelled and that woke the other me up.
"What is it..." she groggily asked
"Oops! BUT WE'VE BEEN ASLEEP FOR 36 HOURS!!!" I told her very 'calmly'
"WHAT!?!?! How?"
"I guess we were that tired, that aside we should probably finish the potion."
"Okay, I'll get the ingredients and potions materiels." And so we go out the stuff and finished the potion.

A/N: Sorry for the super short chapter I am some major writers block so any suggestions are welcome. I hope this will satisfy you until I get some more inspiration so please help I NEED SOME IDEAS!!! ~Luna

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