Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

“Thanks for offering to drive me to school.” I told Christina gratefully, “I was hoping you could show me around.”

“Sure!” She flashed an award-winning smile as she found a parking space in the school’s parking lot, “That’s what friends are for!”

I did a once over on my outfit in the mirror, making sure I looked okay. Back in Georgia I never wanted to draw attention to myself, but this place seemed different, it felt like everyone will accept me for who I am. But it’s not like I would tell them I see the future.

I looked at my outfit again, still doubting Harmony’s expertness on her outfit she loaned to me. She picked out a leopard tank with my approval and also a French Connection Camel Striped Jersey ‘Bambi’ Cardigan Sweater. Note to self: Never ask where she got an article of clothing from or what it is. She also chose a Diane von Furstenberg skirt which she emphasized to be ORANGE when I seriously thought it looked more like a dandelion yellow. She failed to persuade me to wear her three-inch leopard high-heels, since I chose some leopard flats instead.

“You look fine!” Christina rolled her eyes and turned off the ignition, “Harmony shouldn’t be doubted.” She added.

I sighed and got out of the car with her, taking my new tote with me. Christina bought one almost exactly like mine, but we hadn’t actually cared. We were just using them like backpacks for our books and homework after all.

We headed for the office, and were right in front of the door when Christina realized she left her bag in the car. She gave an I’ll-be-right-back and said to go on ahead.

I stepped into the office to find Nate, yes Nate, talking to the lady at the front desk. I fidgeted, wondering if I should confront or flee the scene.

I decided to flee when he turned his ocean blue eyes to me and gestured for me to go ahead.

“Um, I’m Luna Meadows…” I started, approaching the front desk.

“OH! Yes! Miss Meadows I’ll print out your schedule and locker with your combination dear. Just a minute.” The lady was practically fluttering her hands as she tried to keep to her word.

When I was finally handed what I needed and I turned to leave she stopped me.

“Who would you like to show you around dear?” She looked at me, “I’ll pick out somebody if you like.”

“No that won’t be necessary.” I stopped her, “Chr—”

“I’ll show her around.” Nate smiled, “Anything to help a damsel in distress.”

“Oh good!” The lady beamed, “Everything’s settled then! Have a great day Miss Meadows!” the lady waved a cheery goodbye.

“Bu—” I protested but the lady decided she needed to do something somewhere else and left her desk.

I pivoted slowly to look at Nate. I almost swooned, my eyes sliding again and again to his very well-sculpted abs that were on perfect display beneath the white shirt I was sure he wore to the party. He wore a very simple outfit of jean shorts, shirt, and plain shoes, but he looked like a god in everything he threw on. That thought led to one about him being undressed…

I forced a sigh, trying to give off a bored air and said, “Let’s just get this over with. What do you have to do? Show me my locker, and show me where my classes are? I’m sorry but Christi—” And my schedule was snatched from my hand.

Nate skimmed through the list, a smirk playing at his lips when he said, “Huh, would you look at that, we have 5 out of 7 classes together.”

My eyes bugged out and I snatched it from his hands to go through the list.

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