Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

“I’m in… love?” I tested it out, staring at myself in my bathroom mirror. I narrowed my eyes at myself, and watched my reflection mimic me.

A whole summer, and I’ve finally admitted it out loud.

“With Nate.” I puffed out my breath, “Well this complicates things.” I said it to nobody in particular.

I heard a yawn from my room, and I pulled my eyes away from my reflection. I stepped out of my bathroom, and immediately saw Christina stretching at my bedside.

“Morning sleeping beauty.” I joked, eyeing the birds nest called her hair.

“Shut up.” She mumbled, trying to smooth her hair with her fingers.

“Here” I got her my hairbrush from the top of my dresser.

It was funny when she lit up like a light bulb as she remembered something, “SO!? How was your date!?”

I sighed happily, “It was the best date ever.”

“Yay!” She clapped her hands together as best as she could do with a brush in one hand, “I knew you would like it!”

“Should I be surprised you had something to do with it?” I rolled my eyes with good humor.

“Nope.” She smirked, “You should have seen my brother, he was, like, FREAKING out!”

I snorted, “Yeah, right.”

“It’s true!” Her eyes widened as she told the tale, “You guys were actually supposed to do something different, but something happened, and he didn’t know what to do! So, I had to come up with the whole picnic idea!”

I thought about it, and then I remembered something else. “Did Harmony go home?”

Christina laughed out loud like I just said the funniest joke, “No!”

“Then where is she?”

“She was planning on scaring you two love birds when you guys got home. She fell asleep on the floor downstairs.” Christina yawned again, setting the brush onto the bed as she finished brushing her hair.

“Really?” I laughed, “Where?”

“Come, my child.” Christina gestured for me to follow her downstairs.

When we reached the bottom we were met with the sound of obnoxious snoring. Mom doesn’t snore… I giggled when I saw Harmony, sprawled out on the floor near the front door.

“How did I not notice that?” I wondered out loud.

Harmony’s snore was cut off when she suddenly woke up.

“Wait—Wha?” She rubbed her eyes sleepily.

“BOO!” I said as loud as I could with a sleeping five-year-old in the house.

“AAAAHHH!!!” Harmony screamed, making Christina slap a hand over her mouth.

“SHHHH!!!!” Christina and I shushed her fiercely.

“There’s a baby upstairs!” I whisper shouted at her. All three of us were silent for a second, listening for any sounds of having woke up my little brother. When it seemed that all was well, I gestured them upstairs and into my room. “Ok.” I told them when we entered my room and shut the door. “My room is pretty much sound proof.”

I sat myself on my side of the bed, Christina following my lead.

Harmony walked over to sit beside us, and then spontaneously grabbed my left hand. “Where’s the ring?” Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

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