Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

“Do you have any reports on the mystery of the darkening sky?” A woman in about her thirties held a microphone up to her lips. She was in front of the camera, and there was a clear view of the almost-black sky behind her. It was only 6:30 in the morning.

“Not as of yet, Melissa.” A man about the same age, maybe older, answered back. “This is a very strange happening, and there have been no records of anything like this having happened before. Scientists are trying to get some answers at this very moment, so stay tuned! We’ll be right back.”

The show stopped and a commercial about a cable company started up on the television screen. I grabbed the TV remote and turned off the TV, sighing in frustration.

At least I’m not the only one who is seeing it… I thought positively, checking myself in the mirror one last time before bounding down the stairs to get some breakfast. I had gotten up extra early just to watch the news, and I was rewarded with the realization that other people could see the sky was darkening too.

I don’t have a real explanation as to why I woke up so early just to watch television, but I’ll just go with an urge. A really, really, weird urge. My thoughts immediately went to Silver, wondering if she was behind it. She snorted in the back of my head and I took that as a no.

I grabbed a banana, and I poured myself a glass of orange juice. I had plenty of time to get to school, so I decided to get something more than just a granola bar. I ate very slowly, wasting time purposefully. Half of me was doing it because I had nothing else to do, the other was waiting for mom to show her face down here.

I felt really bad after I forced my father’s name out of her, and even more when she finally told me that about Tara and cried. I can’t believe how cruel I’ve become… But I did finally get what I wanted… But why do I have to feel so bittersweet?

It’s because our mom wasn’t ready to tell us yet, and you kind of forced it out of her! Silver pointed it out.

I sighed as I checked the timer on the microwave, and noticed that it was time to start driving. I washed out my glass quickly, leaving it in the sink and turning away to walk off. I guiltily spun back and grabbed it, putting it in the dishwasher so mom wouldn’t have to when she woke up.

Are you done yet? Silver groaned in her little spot in the back of my head.

I’m being nice! I defended myself. Be quiet, wolfy! If not I’ll start calling you Fluffy!

I could imagine Silver baring her sharp canine teeth as she growled. You. Wouldn’t. Dare.

I wouldn’t, Fluffy? I innocently teased her, a small and barely perceptible smirk on my face as I was barely aware that I had grabbed my car keys.

Silver gave up, mumbling and grumbling as she suppressed her comebacks from spewing out. I smiled a little, because for the first time I was on the better end of the stick.


“Actually… I change my mind.” I shuddered as some really embarrassing thoughts and pictures popped into my head, and Silver snickered softly at the images. “I know it’s the first day this entire week you’ve showed up at school, but I really don’t want to move our little ‘session’ up… actually, I don’t want to do it at all!”

“Oh come on!” Harmony dragged out, throwing her hands up and leaning her head back to look at the ceiling before snapping her head back down to look me in the eye. “Every. Girl. Has. To. Learn. The. Sexy. Walk!” She said it slowly, as if she were talking to a child.

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