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"For the wait,
For the longing,
For all our memories,

-"고맙다", Seventeen


"It's going to be okay," I say for the hundredth time to Jimin who won't stop pestering me about the elections, "no one is going to reveal anything about anyone, I'm safe."

For today, I say to myself, or at least that's what I think.

"How can you be so sure?" Jimin asks, grabbing my hand to stop me from walking further.

"I just know okay? Just trust me."

"Is this because of something that your new boyfriend said because-"

"God no, it's got nothing to do with Yoongi why would you say that?"

Jimin stares at me for a while. As he seems to stand and hesitate, I say, "Say it Jimin. It's just me."

Jimin sighs.

"Don't you think all of this is too much? All this trouble of elections, this trouble with Min Yoongi, and everything combined? Have you even breathed since the session started?"

I ponder on his words for a while. He wasn't wrong. And with the mysterious texts in the spin, it's even worse than he predicts.

But is there an easy way out?

"We have our exams at the end of the year. You know you can't concentrate on so much and then study for the biggest exams of our lives," Jimin continues, as he pulls at the straps of his bag and stares at me with concerned eyes.

"And there is something that you should know," he hesitates again but continues anyways, "I don't think.... I don't think I like Min Yoongi much."

I scrunch my eyes at him.

What? Why Yoongi?

"Is this because of how you got ratted out of the tournament last year? Because to be honest-"

"No, no. You know I would never have any problem with anyone because of something so insignificant," he shakes his head, "it just..... I don't know. He feels a bit shady."

"How so?"

"Let's talk while walking," he says, and as we start walking towards the library across the school building, he continues, "We practically don't know anything about him except while school he is from. Why he suddenly transfered to this school of all the schools in Seoul when he knows full well that he might get into trouble if he gets recognized, no information about his parents, nothing."

"And when he does shift to this school, it's really weird to see how easily he seems to adapt to the ongoing confusion. He could have been friends with anyone but he chose you."

I interrupt, "that's because I saved him that night!"

"That's all right, but don't you see how he disappears all of a sudden, and then comes back as if he was there all the time?"

I stay silent. I don't understand what Jimin tries to say, so I let him continue.

"Look, it's not as if I think that he's got anything to do with all this," he motions with his hands to signify what he tries to say, "but he's shady none the less."

"Also, I saw something really weird on our first day of school when he first arrived."

"What?" I ask.

"I saw him after school hours, behind the school, talking to (_____)"

I look at Jimin confused. Why would Yoongi suddenly do that?

Instead, I ask Jimin,"Why is that even a problem maybe he was confused about directions or something?"

Jimin smiles, "If I can trust my eyes, they could have talked about anything but directions in school."



Anyways, it was probably a boring chapter, but facts needed to be established, and here they were, as a filler chapter!

Curious as to know who Yoongi met in day 1? Go over to the next chapter ;)

Gonna update 2 chapters today yay! Thank you for reading this and not abandoning me for disappearing on you guys I love you ❤

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