Chapter 12

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I sat up in bed and noticed the bed was empty beside me. I shrugged my shoulders and went into my over sized closet. Looked through my jean drawer and found my black jeans neatly laying flat on the big pull out shelve. I took them and closed the shelve. I then went to my shirts shelve and found a black tank top and a dark purple over the shoulder loose shirt with a black broken heart in the middle. I closed the shirts shelve and went to the undergarments shelve. I grabbed what I needed and went to the shoes rotisserie. I found the perfect pair of black shoes. I has fantasied about these shoes ever since the movie sucker punch came out 3 years ago. Man those shoes. The black pumps with the black strap across the foot that Emily browning wore playing baby doll in her army uniform. The shoes came in last week when I ordered them from eBay. I was the highest bidder and proud owner of the most perfect shoes.( A/N a picture of her shoes and possibly her outfit is being posted on Instagram. Just search anime_chloe. The hashtag will be #houseofnightreturns) I went to the shower to clean my hair and body. I soon got out and dried myself with a fluffy black towel. I'm guessing you can imagine I like black. I'm not sure why but today is a black day. My mood wants to wear black. Something doesn't feel right today. It's not that I'm sick but I feel like I need a hug and a tub of ice cream. I'm not sure why at this point. All I know is that something is not right. I put on my clothes and blow dried my hair. I straightened my hair and did my usual scene hair. I examined myself in the mirror and realized I was missing something. I looked in the mirror at my face and noticed I was missing makeup. Duuh. Talk about mental face palm. I put on my makeup. I felt better but still. What was missing? I looked even closer to the mirror and saw the holes in my lip. Oh course! that's what I forget. I left the bathroom practically face palming myself. I went back into my closet and threw my jewelry box. Yep my cherry wood jewelry box. I treasure it. I went through the second drawer and found to identical black hoops. I put them in my lip and went through the third drawer. "I remember putting something in here." I reminded myself. I found it. I pulled out a black bow with dark purple skulls on it. I went back to the mirror and put the bow on. As soon as I was finished in the bathroom I went to my bed and grabbed my backpack. I left my room and found myself in the hallway staring and door opening. I soon saw jace walking out. He had sweat all over his body. He didn't have a shirt on which was weird. Soon after he walked through the door a burnet in a towel walked after. The left hand that was holding part of my bag moved to the zip able hidden compartment in the strap and pulled out the charm bracelet jace had given me. It had a treble clef, bass clef and a bass clarinet. There was a small gold plate on it that said musically together on the back and from jace on the front. The girl came closer to him and he pulled her in for a kiss they had a long kiss. I hurled the bracelet at his head and stormed off. I felt my heart brake as I stomped down the stairs. "Carrie no. Carrie wait please don't leave I love you." I heard jace scream desperately as I ran down the stairs. Tears were falling from my eyes and I heard him trot after me. "Bullshit." I said quietly. I guess I was wrong. True love isn't real. Neither is love at first sight. I'm starting to think love isn't real at all. I left the dorm and walked to class. With every step I took I found myself in more and more pain. I walked into my first class with Zoey. I sat down and let my tears and sorrow pull me away from reality as I drew my feelings away.

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