chapter 15 auburn killer

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I woke up from a dreamless sleep. one where you wake up and almost forget what happend earlier but then you realize it's all still there. lodged in your brain. never to be erased. I sighed and realized I wasn't alone in my room. I looked at the door and saw nurse franny staring at me. she slowly passed towards me and I saw a shinny piece of medal in her left hand. she jumped on me and held down Mt arms and legs. she had her knees wedged into my lower legs and her left hand holding both my hands above my head while stabbing my abdomen with her knife. "franny why?" I begged. "I'm not franny you twat. I'm neferet. the reason your so messed up"  she said. my nightmare was cut off and I shot up and hit someone's forehead with my own. the other forehead fell back and hit the floor with a thump. I looked over the edge of the bed and saw Kara with her legs over her head. I chuckled and tried not to die of laughter. " are you -chuckle chuckle- Ok?" I asked. she flipped me the finger and called me an asshole before getting up and laughing at herself. of course she can laugh at herself but I can't. she passed me a blue rose. "this came for you so I thought I would bring it to you. I sighed and took the Rose. I knew who it was from. jace would not get me back with a simple rose. I was about to put the rose down when it pocked my ring finger. I was suddenly really sleepy. I was in another dream and neferet was there with a kitchen knife. this time I was in the dorms kitchen. she ran at my and stabbed my shoulder with the kitchen knife. I screamed in horror as my blood seeped into her auburn hair. I decided to call her the auburn killer on behalf of her hair and these weierd dreams. they made no sense to me. they almost felt like a warning. I hated not knowing the reason behind things. my thoughts continued until I woke up again. no one was here to see me this time. I put my bed up and looked out the hospital window to the gardens. I saw zoey and Stark hugging on the bench. zoey was crying into his shoulder while I saw a tear leek through his eyes. what was so wrong? after a few minutes they made their way inside. I couldn't shake this feeling that something was really wrong. after 20 minutes or so they were making their way into my room. "I hope she wakes up" zoey sobbed lightly. they continued walking and I put my attention on the door they came in from. zoey dropped her back over the shoulder purse and nearly flew to me. she tackled me with hugs and kisses like you wouldn't believe. she cried into my shoulder and stark ran over to me and held my pale hand. I gave the the what's going on look. "Carrie you were in a coma for another 6 monthes. your first one was only 3. they were going to pull the plug on you but obviously they won't have to" he replied to my look like it was simple. "I don't feel safe here" I started to cry lightly. zoey held me tighter and asked why. "it's just-just that. i-" I was cut off by neferet walking in with her hair in a bun and coverup on her face. that little bitch. "oh my your awake" she said with fake happiness. I felt zoeys body go tense around me. she knew something was up. Starks hand tightens around my own and I heard foot steps. jace came trotting In with a bouquet of blue roses and a box of mint chocolates. I noticed his eyes had a different colour. they looked almost... almost like... auburn. my stomach churned and I threw up all my contents. all over the floor behind zoey she let go of me and held my hair back. I continued to heave as I thought. it all made sense now. this neferet person was sabotageing my life. trying to get me sick. she tried to kill me. she made me sick and destroyed my emotions. she played me like a puppet. I had no clue what she had to do with this but I intended to find out. once I was done Puking I laid back down and fell asleep. I watched the roof as neferet walked in. of course. just the person to ruin my dreams. "stronger than you look but I promise you sweetheart, I will get you. and when I do I will kill you and zoey thag dumb place stealing whore. have fun" she said as she threw a black magic Web at my face to strangle me to death. once again I woke up sweating with my heart race fast. only this time neferet was there. smiling in the doorway.

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