chapter 20

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stark reached up zoeys dress and pulled out a knife from her thigh. he threw the knife at neferet. in a second neferet was gone with black and purple mist. the knife hit the tree and split the tree in half. the noise only added to my headache. soon we heard sirens and an emergency helicopter. the sirens pulled up and I soon Learnt they were police. the helicopter shown light on us and it blinded me. we waved our arms and they lowered the helicopter. one by one they helped us in. and strapped us three down. jace stood and held my hand. I was going in and out of consciousness. each time I would close my eyes he would tighten his grip on my hand. I would open my eyes and be met by his blue ones. we eventually made it to a bridge that we stopped on and they pulled us out and ran us into a beautiful palace. we were stopped at the doors by gaurds. then the most beautiful girl walked out and held the gaurds hand. we were let through and soon found our way into a little hospital area. as soon as I stopped someone was tending to my leg. "Ok Carrie you are going to need to be strong with me Ok? jace hold her hand and keep her still" a nurse said. she had blonde hair with blue tips. she looked more like a teenager than a middle aged nurse. jace nodded and held my hand. the nurse lifted my leg and I screamed in pain as she cracked my leg back into place and I passed out from pain.


I woke up in a lavender farm. that's odd. I stood up and felt no pain. I walked and walked for what seemed like hours until I found a cave. when I entered there was this beautiful goddess sitting on a rock gracefully with her long white dress flowing around her. she had long light brown perfect hair going to the middle of her back. her face was like a porcelain doll perfection. she looked up at me with purple eyes and smiled like she had known me for years. she had the most beautiful tattoos and she looked untouchable. I knew who this was. it was nyx. she was the same person I saw the first time my life was in danger. I had been in danger then so, chances are I'm in danger now. I found myself looking at her face and started crying. my sobs and sounds all came with music notes. it didn't sound musical but when they came out, they came out as a music note. nyx pulled me into her waiting arms. I instantly felt loved and important. I felt her release me and push me back lightly by the shoulders. she looked at me with a stern face and prepared to tell me something I probably don't want to know. she started with a golden sentence, "Carrie, neferet is back and she wants to kill you and your mom" I kbew she wasn't lieing. she had a stern face like stone but I saw through it. she had sadness for both my mom and myself. she continued, "she once tried to kill your mom and your dad. she almost took over the world and killed all the humans. Your mom and her group thought they had killed her but they were wrong. very wrong. she has been hiding in a cave. she regenerated but she's back now and she wants to kill you Carrie. she is out to kill you and nothing can stop her now. be safe my child, don't let her get to you. you guys have to stop her before she takes over the world and kills everyone." she said and gave me a tight hug as if I were her kid. she kissed my forehead and everything went black. my skin felt tingly as I opened my eyes. everyone was staring at me and I looked down at my arms where I was tingly and saw that the tattoos had spread all through my arms. they were all music notes and symbols put together by beautiful swirls and barlines. on my finger tips I had nineteenth notes. they had merged into a perfect purple colour. I love the colour so much. I was mesmerized by the tattoos I didn't notice jace talking to me I snapped my head up to meet his and he pulled his lips down to mine delivering a perfect life saving kiss. the kiss went on for a while until someone cleared their throat. we stopped and I saw the girl that let us in the door. she hugged zoey and made her way towards me. she looked at me and ran her fingers along my mark. "you are definitely zoeys girl and the red proves you are Starks girl to. I don't know how this happend but I wonder why are you guys back?" her sweet voice said while she hugged zoey again. zoey sighed and looked around the room as if to make sure she isn't being heard. she looked the girl dead in the eyes and started, "tsi sgili is back and she tried to kill us. she's the reason our plane went down. she took Carrie away from us and put her somewhere dangerous. now she is going to kill us. all of us. even you." zoey responded with an intense stare with a matching voice. I has no idea it was this bad. what are we in for?

hey guys. this is the last chapter of HONR sadly. :'( I plan on writing a sequel but that depends on if people want me to. so leave a comment and don't forget to check out my instagram BassClarinetLove there are a few pictures tagged #houseofnightreturns if you wanna check that out I would be happy to hear feedback. feel free to message me about the story or if you just wanna talk lol il be glad to talk. also if your a band player make yourself known I would love to share band story's with you. also feel free to Kik me at anime_chloe so I guess that's it. comment if you think I should make a second book. also read some of my other stories. ask any questions and I will answer them. I hope you enjoyed my story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love my followers and I hope you guys continue to be a fan. love you guys and wish me good luck with band camp and cadet camp. ❤

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