~Chapter 1~

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Darkness..... that's all you could see when you opened your eyes at first, darkness that went on from as far as your eyes could see. You blinked multiple times and rubbed your eyes with the back of your massive paw.
Where am I?
You slowly stood up, your tail flickering nervously as you tried looking around with your eyes still not adjusted to the darkness.
You jumped in surprise and looked to where the sound came from, your eyes now adjusted. Nothing. Even though you saw nothing, you knew something was wrong, your fur bristled and the sound came again. Closer than before. You couldn't help but let out a little whine as you sensed that there was more than one.
"Come play with me."
You turned to face a little girl, she had long brown hair and was wearing a pink dress that was slightly torn up. You noticed she was bleeding badly, but she didn't seem to notice nor did it seem to bother her. You had the urge to approach her, but decided against it.
Why am I growling at the human? She needs help.
Not safe.
A low barky like chuckle sounded as a dog, a husky was suddenly sitting at the side of you. The husky wasn't normal, the fur was blood red and black. And it had a unnatural human like smile. Your ears lowered as you decided to make a run for it, even though you were much larger than them... you couldn't help but to run.
You didn't hear them following you, only things as you passed. You almost thought it was a tree, but trees don't wear red ties. You couldn't feel yourself in control of your body anymore, you just ran faster. Hearing a old pop goes the weasel and static in the distance.

You could see light in the distance, not much but enough to make you push yourself to go faster. So close. you were so close but a tall figure appeared in front of you, and you couldn't stop in time to dodge it. The darkness came back.


You jolted up with a start, you were panting hard and in cold sweat. It was just a dream. You looked around your darkened room, glanceing at your digital clock beside your bed. 2:26 am.
What was that dream about?
You shook your head, all you could remember was running from something. But what? You couldn't sleep now, not with these thoughts bothering you, trying to understand why you felt in real danger.
Was it a dream?
The sun soon rose, lighting up the dark house. You still weren't able to get anymore sleep. Which bothered you, usually you were able to sleep anytime, anywhere. But you just couldn't.
I'm just being paranoid. That's all.
You sat on the couch, eating some (F/f) ((Favorite food)) and watching the TV.
"Another murder has occurred, the murderer or wild animal seems to be heading to (where you live). Everyone is advised to keep your doors locked, windows shut and locked or baracaded to your best ability."
Wow. So many murders close by lately. Whatever it is better keep its distance. I'll have to patrol more often.
You set your dishes in the sink and wrote a note to your brother, Jake, letting him know you were going out for a while. Though it probably wouldn't do any good, he's always out with his friends causing hell.
You left the note on the coffee table and headed out the back, you lived just outside the forest. But you made sure you always phased out of public eye, even if the streets are dead. Just to be safe. A giant ass wolf walking around is pretty noticeable, once in the back you broke into a run. Leaping up and phasing fully on the landing.
You did a little shake, your shaggy fur bouncing a bit and streched. You haven't phased in a bit, but you were happy to be back in this form. Mostly because its easier to handle strong emotions as a animal.
You stood back up and trotted into the forest.
Yo! Anyone here?
Yeah I'm here.
Sam, another wolf. He was second in command, under you, ever since you left the original pack he followed. He was like a little brother to you.
I'm here too, what's up?
Alex, your friend since diapers. She followed too, so it was just the three of you. The smallest pack in werewolf history. She was third in command.
Have you heard of the murders coming closer too here? Whatever it is, we need to see what's causing all this. So we need to patrol the borders of the our side of the forest.
Got it!
Sam's always ready for action, what ever it may be.
Yeah, but it's probably more of them leaches.
'Leaches' is another term for the immortal bloodsuckers, which is mostly why we exist. To keep them from killing too many humans, that and any other potential threat that occurs.
Keep on HIGH alert, we don't know exactly what it or they're capable of. Keep a low profile, and we observe at first then plan an attack.
You didn't hear a response but you knew they understood and would follow your orders.
Now off to see what's causing all this mess...

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