~Chapter 3~

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Y/n!? Y/n wake up!!

You jolted up, growling you got in a fighting stance when you saw it was just Alex and Sam.

Whoa, calm down Y/n it's just us. Alex said, you relaxed a little. But your nerves were shot, you knew under your fur you were white as paper and trembling like a leaf. You've never been so happy to see Sam and Alex in your life, you could have ever bawled. But you refused to let yourself too, it was just how you were, you never ever let your self cry in front of anyone. Alex and Sam, even your brother, thought you forgot how too.

Are you ok y/n? Your shaking awful bad. Sam said, tilting his head. You just nodded, sitting down. Yeah, I'm fine. Alex looked at you more carefully then sighed, I think we should continue the search. Your ears perked up, NO. You said, a little to quick. Alex and Sam looked at you, slightly shocked at your outburst. I-i mean, we've been out here all day anyway. We should take the rest of the day off.

Sam and Alex looked at each other, then back at you. Y/n are you sure your ok? You nodded sternly. Ok, me and Sam are gonna head out then. Cya later Y/n.. Alex said, looking at you worriedly before trotting off, Sam tagging along behind her.

You watched them leave, once they were out of sight you felt them un phase. You sighed, looking at the ground. After a minute or two, you felt a weird presence. You looked up and saw something at the other side of the river. Your ears lowered as you stood up again, your wolfy eyebrows furrowed. You couldn't exactly see what the thing was. But it gave you the same feeling as in your dreams, making your eyes widen.

You could see blue and black, and a little white and a rusty color. The thing tilted its head, before taking off into the woods and out of sight. You took off after it, splashing through the river. You could see it far in the distance, running away. You pushed your paws to go faster, but you went right into a dead end. Which was a wall. That's strange, there was never a wall before. It was made of stones and had moss all over it, like it's been here for years.

You got onto your back paws, and put your front paws on the top of the wall, looking onto the strange forest before you. It was like your side, but more withered. The trees were black and had no leaves, and the ground had nothing but dead roots and dirt. You couldn't see far cause of the fog that hung low and thick on this side. Which puzzled you, there was no fog on your side. It almost felt like another dream, or like this wall protected your side from a terrible forest fire that happened years ago.

But you still felt the things precence, and it was coming from the dead forest. Almost like it was calling you. You pushed yourself up and over the wall, landing on the cold ground on the other side.

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