~Chapter 5~

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You awoke in an unfamiliar room, the walls were painted a dark blue and the ceiling a lighter shade of blue. The ceiling also had stars, they dimly glowed in the darkness. You sat up on the large bed, looking at the semi aesthetic room. It had all the things you've had wanted or had in your room.

You guess you spaced off, cause the sound of someone clearing their throat snapped you back to reality. You looked over and saw a man in an yellow hoodie and a black ski mask with a frowning face. "Do you like you're room? Slender wanted to make sure you are comfortable. He wants to speak with you, come with me y/n." He said, walking out of the room.

MY room?

You followed, walking into a hallway which were painted grey, and many other doors. Each door having a different symbol on it, the floor was wooden minus the red carpet lying in the middle. It was uncomfortably silent the walk across the very long hallway. Halfway there was an opening with a giant staircase leading down into what you guessed as the living room. You saw a few people, and the blue masked thing briefly as you passed.

Soon, you and the hooded man soon reached a door that had no symbol on it. The guy opened and went right in, "Slender, she is awake. I brought her here like you asked." "Very good, you are dismissed hoodie." 'Hoodie' left the room, gesturing you to go in. You nodded and went in, the office was dimly lit so you couldn't see quite everything. But you saw a desk in the middle of the room, the only light being a simple desk light.

When you looked at the man sitting by the desk however, made you're ears lower. There he was, the faceless man that you gathered is called 'Slender'. "It is nice to properly meet you, miss y/n." He said, somehow? He had no facial features, let alone a mouth. How could he speak? It didn't matter, this 'Slender' gave off a welcoming yet threating vibe.

"Uh, same?" Slender chuckled at you're response. "I know you might be confused, I have been watching you for some time now." "Wait, what?" You furrowed your brows, Not creepy at all. "I also noticed you're quite sarcastic, as well." I barely said anythi- "I can read you're thoughts, child." "Oh."

Slender chuckled, "All joking aside, you're probably wondering why you're here. Right?" You nodded, "You see miss y/n, like I said previously I have been watching you. And I see a lot of potential within you, more than you know. It can come of use to us, you seem to know a bit about the pale ones."

"Pale ones?" Slender nodded, "The humans that live immortally and feed off the blood of others." The leaches. "Yes, you are the only one out of all my proxies and staff that can defeat these things. That's why we need you here, as a proxy."

"But, my friends, my bro-" "You're step brother, yes. We will make it as if you never came from Mount. Ebott along with the other monsters, like you were never a monster." You put you're hand over where your soul is, you, indeed had a monster soul.

"So miss y/n, what will it be?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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