~Chapter 2~

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No sign of anything so far...

Sam, Alex and you have been patrolling for a few hours and nothing.

Let's go to the river a rest for a bit ya?

Yeah, it couldn't hurt.

And with that you three ran for the river, Alex and you racing to see who got there first. Alex did, but only cause she practically leaped off the edge into the river, getting drenched. Sam burst out laughing, Alex growled at him and snuck behind him. Sam was laughing too hard to know she was there when she shook her fur, getting Sam wet.

That shut him up fast. He spun around with the most priceless expression, making Alex laugh and you chuckle at their actions. Then Sam ended up chasing Alex into the woods, both giggling and squeaking. You just layed down at the ledge, your paws hanging down slightly.

You let out a small sigh, and layed your head into your paws, closing your eyes and listening to Alex's and Sam's bickering. Quiet frankly you were still tired by the lack of sleep, before you knew it you were slipping out of consciousness.

Darkness, you were back in the dark forest. You got up, looking down. You were in your normal form again, with your ears and tail out. You looked across the sea of leave less trees, your legs moving foward against your will. You heard the static again, it was louder this time. You moved toward the noise, the closer you got. Louder the static was, and crying?

Filled with curiosity, you started running. Stopping into an open field, your ears dropping at the sight front of you. There was a large oak tree, it's bare branches twisting and turning in odd ways. But on either side of the tree, were two people. You couldn't really see them, since it was so dark and foggy. But as you got closer, you dropped to your knees, your hands covering your mouth to hold back a shriek.

Those weren't just any two people, it was Alex and Sam. Alex had cuts and bruises all over her, her clothes slightly torn up. You noticed she had two major cuts at the sides of her mouth, it looked almost like she was smiling... Your attention turned over to Sam, he also was all cut up, but the cuts wavered in all sizes. Some looked like they could come from a knife, others looked much larger like an axe or something.

You noticed he was bleeding mostly on his side, like whatever did this dug into the flesh. But the most disturbing thing was that his eyes were gone. You felt tears building up, and unpressing rage. Whoever, no. WHATEVER did this is gonna pay severely. A low, growling tore at your throat, getting louder the longer you stared at your best friends Mulatited corpses. You stood up, your tail going wild as the sound of static returned. Louder than ever, you turned around and came face to face with a tall man, he wore a suit. Like the perfect groom, he was quite slim. And he had long, slender fingers that looked almost as claws.

The tall creature had no facial features, you thought foolishly that the creature still had more facial expressions than Kristen Stewart. Then it dawned on you that it was this thing that did this, it took the only thing you had left away. Your eyes burned with rage, as a snarl ripped through your chest. The thing just tilted its head, confused about something.... Then everything went dark.

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