Chapter 3

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Shannon's POV

As the bell rung indicating for students to make their way to their next period class, I started gathering my things. Valarie walked by me and pushed my pile of textbooks off my desk and onto the floor.

"Whoops," she said with a smirk "you have to kneel to me to pick them up."

"Shut the fuck up Valarie," I spit "go flirt with one of your boy toys why don't you."

I picked up my books and shoved them in my bag.

"Hmm, that's not a bad idea." She said as she tugged on her gum that was half in her mouth, and half out. She snapped it into her mouth quickly and her face lit up.

"Maybe I should go flirt with that new kid," she started as she fumbled to remember his name, "Devon- no, uh, Devonte- no." She had the most confused look on her face that I have seen in a while.

"Diego?" I asked, impatiently. Was she talking about the annoying kid from my bus stop?

"YES! Diego!" She exclaimed as she fixed her posture.

"thanks for the idea," she said as she blew me a fake kiss, "bye loser."

I rolled my eyes and waited for her to completely leave the room before I started walking out. Valarie? Ew. Diego and Valarie? totally ew.

Diego's POV

I re-adjusted my backpack as I walked down the busy hallways. So far my first day was going well. Some people made some comments that made me want to turn around and slug them in the face, but overall it was better then expected.

Its not everyday you walk in the school halls and see a kid like me walking around with a beanie on and face/neck tattoos everywhere, so I couldn't really blame them.

A lot of people recognized me too. I guess my music was more popular then I thought.  Some even asked for pictures and shit,

"Diego!" I heard a voice yell from behind me.

I turned around to get a look at whoever was hollering at me. I caught a glimpse of someone running towards me and realized it was Valarie. A smile came across my face as she caught up to me.

I nodded at her and flashed a smile. We both started walking down the hall together.

"What's up." I asked as we shared eye contact.

"Nothing much, just heading to Mr. Brown's class. I fucking hate him. He literally screams at me all the time for using my phone. Like, if you don't want me to use my phone, make your class more interesting."  She explained as she lost herself in a rant.

I let out a chuckle and looked over at her, raising one eyebrow.

She looked at me and blushed. "Heh, Sorry."

"So how's your first day been?" Her hand found its way onto my arm.

"Pretty shitty, but it's whatever" I mumbled.

She pulled me into a pocket in the wall that held a door to an empty classroom and grabbed the collar of my shirt.

"Damn, I'm sorry." She whispered onto my face as she pushed me up against the wall.

"Someone like you doesn't deserve that." She said so quite I almost couldn't hear her. Her face got so close to mine that I could feel her exhale onto my lips.

My eyes darted down to her lips and I began to lean in. She immediately pulled away and winked at me.

"Don't wanna be late for class." She smiled as she turned around and walked away slowly. I stood there for a moment trying to understand what just happened.

She's a fucking tease.

I arrived to class a few minutes late, but I really didn't care. School was never my thing. Honestly I was planning on just dropping out after this year. My mom insisted that I at least finished this year.

I knocked on the door to my next period and waited for someone to open it.

"Hello. You must be Diego." An older lady said with a smile as she opened the door.

"Yeah." I shrugged.

I noticed all the heads in the class turn to face me. I noticed a few from my other classes but most of them I had never seen before.

She pointed to a seat in the back. The seats were two to a table and they all had computers wired up in front of them. For a history class, I was surprised at the way it was set up.

"You can sit next to Shannon." The teacher said as she walked back to her desk.

Shannon? Great. First day and i'm already sitting next to the one girl who was the biggest bitch to me yet.

I walked over to the seat and shoved my bag under the desk. I plopped myself onto the empty chair and Shannon glanced over at me. But she just chuckled and looked back at her computer screen.

"Listen you can be a bitch all you want, but at least keep it to yourself." I whispered as I logged onto the computer that sat in-front of me.

She looked directly at me. 

"Noted." She slumped back into her chair with a grin plastered on her face.

Her brown hair rested behind her shoulders. It came down to about her love handles and stayed pin-straight.

Her eyes were a light shade of brown and fitted her face well. She had plump lips and was surprisingly short. Probably around 5'6-5'7. She was slim and had a good build. Everything about her fit her perfectly, she didn't seem like the type of person to shut people out.

Something must have really fucked her up.

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