Chapter 24

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Diego's new album just dropped 😍

Shannon's POV:

The feeling of being with Diego warmed me up. I missed him so much. I knew that if I really wanted things between me and him to work out, I need to learn to not be a selfish bitch.

"Shannon?" He whispered.

"Yeah?" I looked up into his droopy eyes. It made him smile wide which caused his dimples to pop. That was one of my favorite things about him.

"What was your first thought of me?"


"Like, when you met me. What did you think of me?"

I giggled at his question. It was odd. "Hm. A few things. I first thought 'who the hell is this kid'. And then I thought you where some Soundcloud rapper. But then, I noticed you were kinda cute."

I saw him grinning in the corner of my eye.

"Kinda?" He joked.

"Kinda at first. But now, you broke my charts baby." I smirked at him.

He shot me a playful dirty look but then gave me a small kiss on the forehead.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because. My mind wonders things a lot. I don't know."

I grabbed his chin and made him look down at me. His eyes sparkled and he smiled shyly. I gave him a passionate kiss on the lips and then hopped off the couch.

"Want to grab lunch? Tropical Smoothie?"

His eyes scanned my still-naked body but he finally responded. "Yeah. Sounds great."

I nodded and skipped up stairs into my room to get ready. I threw on a dark yellow jumpsuit and pinned my hair up in a messy bun. I decided against makeup today.

Diego came strolling into my room a few seconds after fully clothed, and just stood there. It was a little odd. He didn't say anything but just kept his eyes locked on me.

"Yes...?" I asked a little shy.

He still didn't respond.

"Diego. What the hell are you looking at?" I crossed my arms.

"Only my gorgeous girlfriend." He winked.

I imitated throwing up and turned back to the mirror. He walked up behind me and snaked his hands around my waist.

"What? Can't take a compliment?" He joked.

I stared into the mirror and watched our reflections. The way we positioned ourselves together, the way we placed our hands, the way he looked at me. It was all so perfect. I was happy. I really was.

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