Chapter 1

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"Run... Run... Run..." Guards were chasing me. Running... one of them were a pegasus, flying dangerously close to me. Wait a minute, how could a pony like ME be so foolish!? I teleported to the Canterlot gardens, giving myself a chance to think about what was going on. First, I was just walking... in the shadows... and then BOOM! Guards chasing me. I took out my Canterlot atlas and went to the table of contents.

" Page 3,382: Throne room, Page 3,389, Luna's gaming room, wait what? Page 3,390, 3,401...." No relic room. Well of cource they would not put that in an atlas. Even a restricted one only for royal guards... Maybe thats why they chased me. 

I put a temporary invisibility spell on myself and teleported to the throne room. There was giant stained glass portraits, on both walls. In the middle of the room, there was a long red rug leading up to Celestias throne. I walked towards it, looking for a secret hatchet perhaps..? The door started to creak open, and without thinking, threw myself in the mini waterfall, thinking I would sit on the bottom, but no. I sank down, and down, and down... Until finally, I was in a hallway. A long hallway. My shoulders sank thinking of the long walk. 

It was not really a long walk, just... boring. At the end of the hallway was a set of doors. I was ready. I had practiced the spell to, ugh undo the spell. Which is what I did, once again. The doors slowly opened and shown that they were very old. Inside, was but one, small pedestal with a red gem on it. Actually, more of a red - brown color. Chills ran down my spine every hoof step I took closer. I poofed out a small magical container to set it in, carefully... gently... The deed was done.


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