Chapter 5

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Twilight lay on the floor, eyes closed, gem in front of her. "Why... Why did you want to do this?" I asked Fire, who was smiling. "Even better than Celestia..." "WHY?" "You could never understand." "Do you take me as a fool!?" Twilight started to wake up, and guards started to notice something was wrong, which is odd, because you would think the guards would have noticed Twilight getting hurt. "Hey! Get back here!" Fire was running, Twilight was waking up, Guards were running at me, I could not teleport, I was running...

I finally caught up to Fire Shadow, running like a maniac with me. We were running through Canterlot gardens, but I could not teleport yet. She was messing with her cloak, which is odd, because we were running for our lives... "What are you doi-" She had unfastened her cloak, and revealed her wings. Bat wings. "Your a bat pony!?" "Yup." She was flying higher, waving goodbye, and not the friendly way of saying goodbye, more like your saying bye, have fun being caught by the guards while I safely fly away, unharmed, and oh ya i'm a bat pony, and ive been lying to you the whole time and were not really friends, kind of goodbye. 

I outran the guards, and was hiding in an alley. I was foolish. She would have never gave me a thousand bits for doing that. "Hiya!" I jumped up, after hearing the unfamilier voice. "Its me!" "You not Fire..." "No... I'm Paint... Duh!"

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