Chapter 3

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I was outside the house, slightly kicking the rotted wood that fell off the roof. A stray cat walked up from behind me, startling me with a friendly meow. "Why hello, there little kitty." I said, while petting the matted fur on her head, leading up to her rolling over for tummy scratches "MROW!" The cat tried to spring up, but stopped by a boot on her paw. I looked up, seeing the wearer of the boot. "Are you ready?" She snapped. "Yes, do you have the gem?" "Ya, but you need to be more quiet." She released the cat from her hoof, causing it to run away. "Well, what are you waiting for? Teleport!" She yelled.

As my still unnamed boss and I walked through Canterlot gardens toward Princess Celestia's throne room, she asked in a slightly annoyed tone, "How come we can't just teleport there?" "Celestia has a magic barrier around that area. I'm surprised there isent one around Canterlot itself." "Oh." "What is your name anyway? You would think I would know your name, considering we made a pretty big deal." I asked. She stopped walking and looked down. "I... Don't exactly have a name." She replied, in a surprisingly saddened tone. Ive never actually heard her in a tone other than at least slightly angered. At least, I met this pony a month ago. "How can you NOT have a name?" Her angry expression came back to her face, answering the question. "Well, lets give you a name!" I said, cheerfully. She looked at me, with a questioned face. "First of all... I need to see your cutiemark!" "No, thats fine. I guess we can just make one up." She said. I took a deep breath. "Well, what do you like to do for fun?"

After what seemed like hours of name ideas, she agreed on a name.                                                             "Well Fire Shadow, ready to do this?" "Yup!" Ive never been so happy, at least that I can remember. I FINALLY got a friend. And were going to do this mission together.

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