Chapter 4

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"Ok, Celestias not in the throne room. What do we do now?" I asked, hiding behind the throne with Fireshadow. I glanced over to the secret passage in the mini waterfall. "I don't know..." "Well thats a problem." We sat there, behind the throne, thinking of a way to find the princess. "I have an idea!" I said, aloud. "Shut up! Your going to get us caught! Now what is it!?" "I know a spell where I can kind of do an x-ray, but not an x-ray. I can kind of see the skeletons of nearby ponies, like pegisi, unicorns, earth, and even alicorns! I can put the spell on my eyes, and see if there is nearby alicorns." "What about Luna?" Fire asked. "Luna is visiting outer Equestria with Cadence." "Oh... What about Twilight?" "Twilight would never leave anywhere without those pesky friends, I could just see if they are by her... Or something..." "Well, we mind as well try."

"Okay, shes right around the corner, are you ready?" Fire Shadow whispered ever so quiet. "Yes." I levitated the little gem out of the box. Slowly. Carefully. My hooves clutched the magenta rug. I can't do this, I thought. "Shes coming!" Fire said, while looking at the alicorn rounding the corner. "Huh?" She said, probably confused on why there was to ponies in cloaks, levitating a gem, hiding around the corner. In shock, I threw the gem at her, not missing the shot. I stood, looking at the innocent pony, put on a spell. "Twilight....?"

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