Chapter 3

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I woke up, feeling refreshed and better. I sat up in my bed, ready to go to school. But it wasn't my bed, and I wasn't going to school today. 

I looked around the room I was in. There was a desk in the corner, with a door next to it. A dresser was off to the right, and a mirror sat on top of it. I got up and went over to the door, and opened it. 

It was a fairly large living room, with a huge T.V. against the far wall. The T.V. was on silent as a news channel was playing. I heard a crash off to the right, where a kitchen area was. 

"Ow!" Seven's voice rang out as he popped out from behind the counter. He was rubbing his head as he glanced up at me. He had on a pair of glasses, and his hair was in a mess, but in a stylish way. 

"You're awake." he said. I sighed, and sat down on a couch in front of the T.V. 

"Well, the stupid complex is on lock down so we won't be getting out of here for another twenty-four hours." he said, ducking behind the counter again. 

"It was because of me, I'm assuming." I said. "Yeah, I guess. But it's fine. I got a hold of the 'big guys' and explained the situation to them. They aren't exactly happy at the moment, but if you behave yourself then they'll be fine." he said, looking at me. 

"Are you kidding me? Behave myself?! I was kidnapped outside of my school with no answers. Then a bunch of strangers tell me that I am this agent of a secret CIA branch and that I was taken about a year ago. Oh yeah, and let's not forget the fact that you experimented on my brain without my permission. I'm sorry that I can't 'behave' myself." I exclaimed. Seven stared at me. "Well you haven't lost your fire." he sighed. 

"Plus, I don't even know who you are!" I yelled, standing up. He slammed a wrench down on the counter, and stormed over to me. 

"Look, I'm sorry what is happening to you. But look at it this way, you were stolen from somebody who took your memories. That is a threat to the United States, knowing what secrets you hold. So if you please, bear with us because we are doing everything we possibly can!" he said.

I was taken aback by his abruptness. I thought he was a soft kind of guy that was in love with the old me. 

"Can I please leave?" I said, crossing my arms. Seven sighed. 

"Not exactly.... Look, there is people trying to bring down the lock in as we speak."

"So I'm stuck here?" I said. Seven came over and sat on a recliner next to the couch. 

"Well, I guess I can interview you and answer your questions." He reached to the coffee table in front of the couch and picked up his laptop. 

"Okay." I said. 

"Alrighty. Let's start form the beginning. Tell me everything you remember." he said, looking up at me. I adverted my eyes, and twirled my hands in my lap. 

"I woke up in an alley in Wisconsin, not remembering anything expect for that my name was Marie and I was 17 years old. The police couldn't find any information on me, so they put me in the foster care system. That's how I ended up in North Carolina." I said. He looked up at me, and pot his arms on his knees.

"You woke up in Wisconsin?" he said. I nodded my head. He leaned back in his chair, and typed quickly on his computer. 

"That is very interesting. Is that all you remember?" he asked. "Yep. Not a lot." I said. He stood up, and pulled his cellphone from his pocket. 

"I need to make some calls. Feel free to explore. Just don't light anything on fire." he said, walking toward his bedroom.

"Have I lit something on fire before?" I asked.

"Let's not get on that subject." he said, walking out of the room. I took a look around, trying to figure out my bearings. There was a door right next to the T.V. I went over to try it, but it was locked. I wondered what was behind that door. 

My stomach rumbled. There was a fridge in the kitchen area so I decided to help myself. Nothing looked good, so I took a look in the freezer. Ah, Rocky Road ice cream. I found a spoon in one of the drawers and plopped down on the couch in front of the T.V. I surfed through the channels as I enjoyed the ice cream straight from the container. I was just about to give up looking for a channel when a news channel caught my eye. A reporter was standing outside the school I was just at a few days ago.

"There has been no news on the disappearance of the seventeen year old. Students reported that two men in suits came at her and dragged her into a black SUV. Authorities are looking for her now."

"Uh... Seven?" I called, as I tried to hide the fear in my voice. He came out, looked at the T.V., and cursed under his breath. 

"That... that is not good. IF only this stupid lock down would be lifted..." he mumbled, and walked back into his room. 

 I watched the T.V. carefully, as the news described my appearance. I lifted my knees to my chest, as a wave of panic went over me. I didn't know who any of these people were, and I had caused mass hysteria in a secure CIA compound. 

I looked down at my hands, which were rough all over. For the past six months, I thought I was just a normal teenager that had lost her memory, which I would attain again someday. Instead, I had found out that I was a high level security CIA agent that was skilled in hand to hand combat. There was people that had looked for me for a whole year. Yet I did not remember anything. 

I remembered what the dream had told me. Trust no one. Paris is the key.  But what did that mean? What had happened to me? I had to know. I needed to find out, and as soon as possible. But how?

"Simon, out super intelligent hacker, has been able to lift the lock down. Now, you have to promise me that you won't freak out again. You need to trust me." Seven said, walking out of his room.

"That wan't entirely my fault. Something just.... came over me." I said, standing up from the couch I was seated at. Seven sighed, then crossed his arms. 

"Well, I was hoping that your welcome back wasn't so... complicated. But we need to evaluate everyone on what happened. Are you ready to be back?" he asked, stepping closer to me, looking deeply into my eyes. Was I ready? No. Probably not. But I needed answers. And the only way was to meet the people from my past. 

I nodded my head. It was time to find who I really was. 


Hey! Thanks for staying to read. I sooo so so SO much appreciate it. I love you so much! Now, onto the next chapter....


STOLENOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora