Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to To my teachers and peers, for inspiring me to write.

Seven led us down a series of hallways, until we approached a big door. He turned to me, and sighed deeply.

"Are you ready for this?" he asked, staring at me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"It's not like I remember everyone." I said, as he winced slightly. 

"It'll be okay. To get through this door though, we both need to scan our ID's." he said, handing me a silver card with a series of number on it. He reached for his pockets and pulled out a similar card as well.

He went to a card scanner that was located on the side of the door. Then, a secret little drawer popped out, and he pulled out a cotton swab. He proceeded to wipe it around in his mouth, and the drawer closed, and he stuck it in a tiny hole that I hadn't noticed before next to the card scanner. The door opened a little, just enough for him to walk through.

"Do exactly what I did, and I'll see you in just a moment." he said, as he stepped through the door. It shut quickly, leaving me alone in the room. I scanned my card, just like Seven did, and the drawer opened. I grabbed a cotton swab and did the same as Seven had done, and stuck it in the little hole as he did. The door didn't open. Had I done something wrong?

Finally, just as I was about to try again, the door screeched open, letting me through. Seven was there waiting for me, as well as Neal.

"Don't you ever leave my hospital again!" Neal cried as I stepped through the door. 

We were in a large room, with multiple levels leading up. People milled about, some working on computers or pointing at the large screen at one end of the room.

Neal grabbed my arm before I had time to gawk any longer and led me up a set of stairs off to my right. He led me to a glass room where many people were arguing, and pointing at another large screen. 

The door to the room opened as soon as Neal scanned his card. Nobody cared to notice that we had entered, as Neal sat me in a chair and began to shine a light in my eyes. 

"Who are these people?" I said loudly, trying to ignore the people that were spread across the room.

"That is the least of your concerns. You need more of a follow up after this meeting otherwise you will have some serious issues. Okay?" Neal asked, checking my pulse. I nodded my head, as Seven went to the front of the room.

"Attention. ATTENTION!" he yelled, as the people finally calmed down. Some were wearing military uniforms, others all black clothing, a few with lab coats. They all looked as Seven as he scanned the room, making sure everyone had stopped. 

"Thank you. Please be seated, and we will get to the issue at hand. In an orderly manner." he said. Everyone went to a large, round, table and sat down. Luckily Neal had me sitting in the corner, away from the group. 

"As you know, we have recently recovered one of our top agents, Marie Stain." Seven said, looking over at me. Everyone turned to look, and a few gasped, and the arguing started up again. I heard words like "Threat" and "A Danger", spread across the room. 

Seven whistled loudly, as the arguing died down. "Thank you. I know this is hard for everyone, but think about Marie. Okay?" he said, as the people nodded in agreement. 

"Well, I would like to say something." The voice came from an older woman, who looked to be in her fifties. She had on a military uniform, and stared at me with her cold, grey eyes. 

"How can we trust Ms. Stain? She has been missing for a year. How do we know if she is telling the truth about her memories? For all we know, she could be a traitor." 

The room erupted again, as Seven glared at the women. I got up from my seat, and shoved my way to where Seven was standing.

"Look!" I yelled, as everyone quit taking as a wave of emotions went over me. How dare these people assume that I am an enemy? I didn't even know who I was!

"I'm pretty sure that whatever 'test' you did on my brain when I first got here will come with what I am about to tell you. I know my name is Marie Stain. I'm seventeen, and no, I don't remember anything. I don't know who any of you are! If I am such a problem, let me go. Obviously I could be a threat, although, how am I supposed to know that you aren't the enemy? You could easily be deceiving me. So I want out." I said, crossing my arms, waiting for another irruption of arguments. Instead, it was quiet, as all eyes looked at me. 

"I understand your concern." A man said, standing up. He had ebony skin, and was built as an ox. He wore all black, which wanted me to run and hide from this man. 

"What you don't understand is your importance to this agency. And we are not just any agency. We know you don't remember anything. It must be very difficult for you to handle this. But your abilities and swift mind obviously are still there, due to your 'episode' in the medical ward." 

I felt my face turn red as he cleared his throat. "So with that, I propose that Ms. Stain go back to basic training, and start over, so she can learn the truth." He said. I let that sink in. Basic training did not sound fun. The room once again began overly loud as people argued about whether or not I should go back to basics. 

Seven shook his head, as he banged his hand on the table. People stopped and looked at him, as his veins bulged in his neck. 

"Marie should NOT be forced to go back to basic training. She was one of our top operatives here. It is not fair!" Seven cried.

"We have no other options at this point. But I will take input from Ms. Stain first, before we vote." the man said, looking at me. I gulped, trying to figure out what would be best.

"I.... I guess I will go back to basics. But, I want in on everything you find about the people who stole me. And my memories." I said, surprised at my answer.

"Let's take a vote than." the harsh women said. It ended up being ten to three, for my favor of going back to basics. 

"I guess that settles it. Basic will start in forty-eight hours. Ms. Stain, welcome back."


I hope you are enjoying. I am excited to share with you what happens next! Thanks!


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