Chapter 3

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20 reads! Achievement! xD Anyway, sorry for the super late update! Life's been kinda hectic...



Dean woke upt to the sound of his alarm ringing. He rolled over and shut it off. He lay in bed for awhile, just thinking. Judging by the absense of snores, Sam was already ready, or atleast out of the room. Sighing, Dean walked over to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

He closed his eyes and let the water fall all over him. His thought ran back to his old school. He and Sam had joined in the middle of the term. They were all alone and Dean didn't really mind, but he could see how much Sam suffered. Sam, unlike Dean, was outgoing and loved making friends.

Luckily though, Sam had somehow managed to make a few friends. They lasted only till the news spread that Sam's older brother Dean was gay. The moment Sam's "friends" heard the news, they dropped him like a bunch o hot potatoes. He pretended that it didn't matter, that he didn't like them anyway. But Dean knew that Sam wasn't fine at all.

They moved pretty soon after that. For once, Dean was grateful for the move. He didn't want Sam to face the ridicule he would get because of their father and himself.Dean, sometimes, wished that his father as normal. It might be better for Sam. Dean shook himself out of his thoughts and got out of the shower.

"Dean! What are you doing? We have to leave!" The childish voice of Sam came through the door. Dean snickered as he pulled up his pants and opened the door.

"Stop getting your panties in a twist, Sammy. I'm coming." Grinning at the expression on Sam's face, he quickly went towards his duffel bag and pulled out a black shirt. It would have to do.

"Dean! Don't call me that and----" Whatever h was supposed to say was interupped by a knck on the dorr. The brothers turned around to see their father holding thekeys to the Impala. Dean walked over and took the keys from him. It was a common occurance in the Winchester household.

Whenever they reached a new town, the Impala would belong to Dean. He would have the complete freedom to take it wherever and whenever he wanted. The kids in some of hs old schools had called him lucky. He would've preferred to have a father who never let him take the car out, someone who shouted at him for using it at odd hours of the night not someone who merely grunted.

"Alright Sammy. Let's go!" Sam and Dean grabbed their backpacks and walked out of their room to the front lawn where the Impala had been parked.  Dean got into the drivers seat and waited fo Sam to get in.

"Hi, baby. Did you miss me?" He cooed at his car. Sam rolled his eyes.

"Just drive, Dean." Dean grinned at his brother and started the engine with a roar. Soon, they were off with AC/DC blasting loudly.

----------TIME LAPSE---------

"And here are your timetables, hopefully you can fnd your way around." A paper was shoved into Sam and Dean's hands, leaving them completely confused for a minute. Dean was the first to recover.

"Alright, I'll see you around Sam." He walked off, trying to find his homeroom. B02. It took him awhile but he finally found it. The shouts heard from the room clearly signaled that the class was already filled with it's students. Dean sighed, hoping and praying that this school would turn out to be good.

He closed his eyes and opened the door, only to crash against someone. He found himself on top of another boy on the floor.

"Shit, I'm sorry!" He looked up to see blue eyes glaring back at him.

"Get off me." The blue eyed boy stood up as Dean scrambled away. Dean looked around the class to notice that every pair of eyes were glaring at him. Clearly, not a good way to start his year in this school.


I just said that Cas would come in this chapter. Not that he would do anything. Hopefully, I can put the next one soon ;) Thank you for reading! Comments are chocolate ice creams ^_^

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